Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bilbao: recórrela walk to discover what is hidden – Trade

By Lorena Tord

The route begins at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao , work study Frank Gehry, built in the nineties. Enter the venue is like entering a magical world, a space that defies laws of gravity with Puppy sculpture, Jeff Koons in entry and unmissable room Permanent Richard Serra.

After we left the museum to see the shocking spider sculpture “Mother” of Louise Bourgeois, and still below the Salve Bridge along the promenade Uribitarte to the bridge Calatrava symbol “new” Bilbao. From this icon will be appreciate the buildings Isozaki Atea, architect Japanese Arata Isozaki.

(Flickr / Fernando Jimenez)

Be aware that the Left Bank is where the city grew from the nineteenth century, while the right edge represents the sources Bilbao . So after watching the modern touches back in time, take right path and reach the town hall, opposite which is the sculpture “Alternative ovoid in occupation of the area.” It will turn after the ride sand, a route with beautiful houses historical, the baroque church of St. Nicholas eighteenth century and the legendary Teatro Arriaga .

(Flickr / Angel)

After going down the street Mail to enter the Casco Viejo. This villa was born 700 years ago and has not lost its character. This historic medieval center includes called “seven streets”, with beautiful churches as the Gothic cathedral of Santiago. The spirit of a small town is the one feel. A village where children play and the neighbors talk.

At the edge of the estuary is the Market Bank and San Anton bridge, which is in the same place since 1300. From here we can see the houses and balconies district retrieved from Bilbao Old, that can be seen from across the river and where new trends are born.


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