Tuesday, July 7, 2015

In Finland they shall provide reparation to the public dissatisfied after the concerts – Prensa Latina

July 7, 2015, 11:34 am Helsinki, July 7 (PL) Those attending a concert in Finland may claim back the money from the tickets if experience proved unsatisfactory due to low quality, local authorities spread today.

 According specified boss Consumer Disputes Board, Pauli Stahlberg, such a decision can not be taken under subjective criteria of taste or opinion.

This measure arose from an incident in Helsinki after a Chuck Berry concert in 2013, when a assistant demanded the refund of their entry because “the musician seemed tired and did not give their all.”

Now the organizers of this presentation will be returned to the participants 50 percent of the cost of entries, as determined by the Consumer Disputes Board.

According to the agency, concert goers can claim your money if the performance is “reasonably below expected standards.”

In Finland, the Consumer Disputes called Drafts is a board formed to represent the interests of consumers and businesses in a balanced manner, reports the website.

Members of the commission work partially and They are appointed by the Ministry of Justice for a term of five years

mem / IFB.


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