Thursday, July 16, 2015

Museo del Prado reorders and illuminates Goya –

Madrid, España.- The yellowing who watched the sky larger canvas of Francisco de Goya, “The Age” (1786-1787), he turned blue after restoration which was recently submitted, resulting was presented today at the Prado Museum in Madrid with the remodeling of the rooms dedicated to the painter.

To this also contributed the new lighting of the rooms, a system of LED lights that gives greater protection . the works (without ultraviolet and infrared) and can enjoy the touches to detail, as explained by its leaders

“If you join a recent restoration with this new technology, is ideal: to see this work with all the depth, the whole chromatic range, “Prado director Miguel Zugaza said today

The museum, one of the most visited in Spain and marks the way forward. restoration and lighting come together to give more prominence to detail, the brushstrokes, textures and technical resources, in this case that characterized the way of working of Goya (Zaragoza, Spain, from 1746 to 1828).

The glass of wine holding one of the characters in “The Age”, a clear homage to “Drunk” by Velazquez, cobra transparency: Goya gets “with two strokes accurate” reflection that produces light through glass, as stressed during his presentation Almudena Sánchez, a restorer of El Prado.

The main challenge of the work done on the canvas, whose dimensions are 2.76 by 6.41 meters, was to eliminate the dense layers of oxidized varnish shadowing the chromatic richness of painting.

“It is perhaps one of the most complex compositions of the entire series of cartoons painted by Goya,” the restoration of the painting, also known as “Summer” .

These works, which served as models for tapestries of the Royal Sites, came out last November of the rooms in which location had until then to join the exhibition “Goya in Madrid,” which remained open until May at the Museo del Prado.

The change of situation allowed them for the first time with another perspective and propose a redistribution on his return to the permanent collection. The goal:. Permit contemplate from a greater distance and put them first in dialogue with works of contemporaries like Mengs, whom the Aragonese painter admired

“Goya raised these works with a spectacular away,” he told dpa Manuela Mena, head of Conservation eighteenth and Goya in the Prado Museum.

Given this conception, the painter now envelops the visitor and “around like a hug.” “Everywhere you look, Goya will be showing what life was like in the eighteenth century,” Mena said referring to the “universal character” of the painter’s works.

In addition to “The Age”, belonging composition the series “The Four Seasons”, highlighted in these rooms “Kite” and “paddle ball game.”

They have been lit in the framework of the “Bright meadow / Lighting the Prado “, which includes 14 stages of which three have been completed and which will culminate in 2017 with a special” snap “lighting.” Las Meninas “by Velazquez, one of the most representative works of Spanish art gallery

In addition to being more efficient and result in savings of over 75 percent in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, the new lighting in these halls of the Prado allow “enjoy works differently”.

“We’ve gone from a dull, yellowish light to a more natural and clearer light,” said Carmen Recio, project.

By Ana Lazaro Green / DPA


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