Charlize Theron and Henry Cavill are candidates to join the cast of the next film installment of Fifty Shades .
Thu July 16 2015 11:05
After the commercial success of the first film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey , producers working on the sequel, which obviously will be based on the second book in the British THE . James, Fifty darker shades s
And for her plan to incorporate two coveted Hollywood figures: Charlize Theron, who just shine as the lead in the last Mad Max , and Henry Cavill, the new Superman.
According to reports in the international press, Theron would be chosen to play Elena Lincon, the woman who introduced Christian Grey to the world of sadomasochism. Cavill, meanwhile, would play Jack Hayde, attractive new head of Anastasia Steele.
The premiere of Fifty Shades Darker is scheduled for the first half of February 2017.
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