Friday, July 17, 2015

“Reversed”: Do you know the emotions? – Aleteia ES

<- -> Creative Pixar are always looking for ways to get out of the trite and always placed “beyond”, to find something unexplored, challenging novelty. That attitude is his great strength, but also its sword of Damocles, as in film repeating formulas in a way to ensure some success and minimize risk.

In this film, directed by Pete Docter ( Monsters SA , Up ), the protagonists are the five emotions that drive Riley’s feelings (happiness, sadness, anger, fear and disgust) preteen.

The film introduces us to the brain of the child, about to break into adolescence, and there attended the debates and conflicts between their emotions, surrounded by memories, fantasies and decisive vital moments.

Director that came up with the idea of ​​the script when her daughter, funny, laughing, became a quiet, sad and irritable teenager.
Obviously, this imaginative Pixar film , and considered by many a masterpiece, you have a lot of psychoanalytic , and may not be entirely accessible to smaller due to their complexity.

In fact it is something baroque from a conceptual point of view, and inside a lot more than you can discover in a first viewing, which is not necessarily good.

However, From reverse is so brilliant in so many ways that the overall assessment it deserves, not only for his screenplay, but his extraordinary animation, is very positive.

Lasseter, the film’s producer and founding father Pixar, insisted testify that Hollywood Cannes intelligence despises children and that they, by contrast, aim high when considering what a child can understand.
The film offers, among others, a very interesting message: sadness is a feeling that can also be used for self . And the same is true of anger, fear … Once again Pixar returns to defend the family ties, offers us very emotional moments, and an intelligent sense of humor
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