Friday, July 24, 2015

“Jurassic World”, the highest grossing – The Universal

The movie Jurassic World is already the highest grossing in the history of filmmaking third.

According to information of The Hollywood Reporter , Universal Pictures production reached the thousand 522 million dollars in revenue worldwide.

With that figure, the film about dinosaurs took third place Avengers ( thousand 520 million dollars).

First of all time still belongs to Avatar , with 2 000 788 million dollars, while the second site is Titanic , with 2 000 186 million dollars.

The film starring Chris Pratt, directed by Colin Trevorrow and produced by Steven Spielberg, earned at the box office only US 614 million dollars.

The film, which premiered on June 11 in many countries, also broke box office records as the release has grossed more money in the United States of all time, the world premiere highest-grossing of all time (500 million dollars worldwide gross in its first weekend) and the fastest film grossed billion dollars.

Not to mention that the tape returns the popular series Jurassic Park 90, has yet arrival in Japan, on August 5.

The second part of the saga was already guaranteed by Universal and will be released the June 22, 2018.


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