Sunday, July 19, 2015

Premier League – The day Mendieta went to a concert of ‘The Planets … – Yahoo Eurosport ES

Gaizka Mendieta has been the surprise in 2015 when appearing FIB playing guitar with the famous Spanish group, ‘The Planets’, the song ‘One day’ where there is an excerpt in which his name appears in which narrates one of the best goals scored by the exvalencianista.

The goal in question is not known what really although some suggest that it was he who scored Atletico Madrid in the final of the Copa del Rey 1999 in the Cartuja de Sevilla with a 3-0 lead.

I put the TV and there was a party and Mendieta scored a really incredible goal.

The exfutbolista appeared playing guitar with the band and the audience gave him a standing ovation when his name was heard.

Read the original article on Eurosport: The day Mendieta went to a concert of ‘The Planets’ and touched her song

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