Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Del Prado boasts nine pieces donated by Plácido Arango – The Universal

Prado today presented a selection of nine of the 25 works donated last week by Mexican entrepreneur Placido Arango , between including pieces by Pedro de Campaña, Francisco de Zurbaran , Luis Tristan Herrera the Younger and Francisco de Goya .

Meet here the 25 pieces donated by Mexican entrepreneur

The deputy director of the Museo del Prado, Gabriele Finaldi, and the owner of Conservation Museum Miguel Falomir and other members of the team Prado, presented the works to be exhibited until next October 4.

The Royal Board of the Prado approved last June 30 donation of 25 works from the private collection of art Arango (Tampico, Mexico, 1931), so nine of them are visible in different room of the museum.

Arango asked the Board (who presided from 2007 to 2012 and is patron of honor) and the Museum that no presentation was made by his presence at the Museum, nor has a room dedicated to this donation.

In the selection presented today are the works “ Camino del Calvario ” 1547:

And the “ Descent “, 1570, both of Pedro de Campaña (1503-1580), covering gaps on this author in the meadow and this line that worked this painter:

In another room is the work “ Calvary “, 1613, Luis Tristan (1585 / 90-1624), surrounded by others who painted shrines, which followed the line of the Toledo workshop El Greco:

The book “San Francisco in prayer,” 1659, by Francisco de Zurbaran, is in a room of this line of contemplation and prayer:

From Francisco de Herrera the Younger (1627-1685) the play “The dream of San José”, 1662, showing a theme that was common in the Spanish Golden Age, and that is one of the painters exposed that will be more from donating Arango.

In the room dedicated to Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) are four lithographs of the series “Bulls of Bordeaux “” The famous American Mariano Ceballos “(1825); “Toro Bravo” (1825); “Fun in Spain” (1825) and “Square Game” (1825):

The donation of 25 works of Arango are mostly Spanish artists or foreigners living in Spain and correspond to a period from 1528-1825.

It also integrates works by Luis de Morales Pablo de San Leocadio, Eugenio Cajés, Francisco Barrera, Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra, Mateo Cerezo, Juan de Valdes Leal, Corrado Giaquinto and Alejandro Loarte.



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