Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Fernando Trueba awarded the National Film Award … – Notisistema


The National Film Award in Spain this year will be awarded to the director Fernando Trueba Rodriguez, “in recognition of his undisputed professional career as a director, producer and screenwriter.”
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain said in a statement that the jury award also highlights “his work in defense of the cinematographic profession since the beginning of his career as founder of the magazine Casablanca and critic in the country and the Leisure Guide.”
Trueba jury highlighted “his performance as president of the Film Academy” and “the international recognition it has won the Spanish cinema thanks to the successes of his films”.
National Film Award is awarded by the Institute . of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA), an agency under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and is endowed with 30 000 euros


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