Sunday, December 11, 2016

Transcend despite the crisis – Diary of Xalapa (press Release)

The word "crisis" (weiji) in the chinese language is made up of two ideograms: Wēi "danger", and Jī (simplified, traditional), which, among several meanings (machine, plane, critical point, etc.) can be translated as "chance" or "opportunity".

Success or failure

Albert Einstein said: "Without crisis there are no challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow agony. Without crisis there are no merits". Someone also said: "whoever does not know history, is called to repeat it." Walt Disney had "failure after failure", in fact they were experiences that led him to mature and to create the monster known as "Walt Disney world". Who does not remember Mickey Mouse? There were other mice, a somewhat famous as the "mouse Miguelito", "Mouse Piggg" or the same "Topolino" for the italians, but that did not transcend as much as Mickey. Knowing that it should continue to innovate, Walt Disney created "Snow White", a character that was premiered December 21, 1937 and is believed to occurred around 8.5 million dollars. All of this was the beginning of a successful man…And to think that he stole his first creation "Osvaldo, the rabbit of luck", because naively in the contract signed that ceded the rights . Walt worked for 40 dollars a week; another colleague did a micro-enterprise that ended in bankruptcy. It is said that the uncle, Disney was a businessman to whom borrowed money and dreaming you said: "I’m going to create a company of cartoon do you want me to give you a part of the actions of my company or I will refund your money?". The guy derisively told her that he would return the money. Although he died of lung cancer Disney never succumbed to the odds and left a legacy that transcended for the story.

In conclusion. Henry Ford said: "If you think you can do something or if you think you can’t do it, in both cases you are right". The decision is in your hands. Or "fight or die in the attempt". You can be in the peak of your life, the more distressing, at the time of capsize, but remember the words of Viktor Frankl, a survivor of the nazi holocaust, "the man who rises is even stronger than that has not fallen".



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