Friday, December 16, 2016

Felicity Jones: “I dreamed with this type of roles for years and years and more years” – Clarí

SAN FRANCISCO. Special envoy

In a room of Lucasfilm, in San Francisco, with a huge picture window that overlooks the Golden Gate, she is as white as the paper. Big eyes green, one meter sixty and dressed in color, creampie, Felicity Jones is the british accent that begins to distinguish the heroines of the saga of Star Wars. With an academy award nomination (she was the wife of Stephen Hawking in theory of everything), weeks ago we saw running at the side of Tom Hanks in Inferno, and soon as the ailing mother of cancer in A monster comes to see me. It’s not the typical actress of action movie.

But it seems that is what she wanted to do… "Jyn is very free, is not a princess, you don’t have that background, but a past ordinary, unprivileged, and has a noble spirit -defines the character already turns his face more popular after the premiere of Rogue One: A history of Star Wars-. And has the ability to do something very good, which is to gather, gather people. Do not trust anyone… Being in this type of films is what I really wanted."

-Now women have a prominent role in the saga…

-Well, it’s very exciting! I dreamed with this type of roles for years and years and more years. And be available to do so in a film of this scale is very challenging for young actresses, after several disappointments, have read many scripts… Being in this type of films is what I really wanted.

-do Not you had to go through a casting, such as Daisy Ridley in "The awakening of the Force", right?

-I have Not had a hearing, Gareth Edwards contacted me and told me he loved me. They called my agency, and they told me "surely you’re going to get the role, but best to look surprised when I offer". And that is what I did! "Oh, it’s fantastic." The only thing I said is that I can not do is enter the gym very fast, because I need a workout.

See also: “Rogue One”: looks like the prequel that we wanted to see

-There’s a scene where Cassian (Diego Luna) just has to be behind you, and see how despachás to a Stormtrooper. I wonder how you feel seeing do that and if the process of finding Jyn for you was about, perhaps, find your warrior inside, that you didn’t know you had.

-Is in the head, and the soul of Jyn. He hates the Empire. So when he sees Stormtroopers have this kind of instinct is very clear to them. And that I had never done this kind of thing before. It was very new, all the type of physical preparation, that side of acting. I’m a little more used to talking in corsets, so that was very nice to be running around with a blaster and a stick to hit Stormtroopers. But yes, it was an extraordinary process, and trabajás very close with the double team, that lead you through a kind of movement.

Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen), in a scene from Rogue One.

-what did you Learn martial arts?

-Not only did I learn martial arts, we wanted Jyn fought and out dangerous, so I watched thai boxing, Wushu, and Kung Fu. Was to put a bit of each in the mixture. Shoot me was exhausting.

-For you, what you can act in a realistic way with green screens, theft and characters aliens?

-I Think that Gareth chose us to me, or to Diego or Madds (Mikkelsen, which makes his father) because we saw in movies a lot more intimate. Note that the film used a lot of camera close to the characters, as they dig in their faces, and their psychologies. And there is a contrast between these early planes and the planes more epic battle.

See also: A tour through the universe of "Star Wars"

-a Lot of girls are going to see you, and you will be a model for them. It happened to Ridley. Are you conscious of that responsibility?

-I Think it is important that we have the girls seeing what they can do women of my age, how to survive, and to have that trust. Jyn is very independent. And besides, we live in a world in which many women begin to govern countries. And the cinema should be a reflection of that.

with Diego Luna, co-star and with whom you need to steal the plans of the Death Star. PHOTO: BUENA VISTA

-What do you think of the place start to take the women in Hollywood?

-I Think that is a big change, which the directors are interested in both female protagonists, and male. We have to get that balance in this, because it is as it was said that only men can perform this kind of role "sports".

-What is your first memory of "Star Wars"?

-it Is very, very small, to be enraptured with the letters that went up in the crawl initial. I think that I had input a lot of sympathy for Luke Skywalker. When sos girl is a stage of discovery, and the things he could do… it Was a very poignant moment for me. To prepare myself as Jyn, I saw a lot of the movies of Star Wars that it was Harrison Ford. Have Only had a irreverence and a joy that I wanted that Jyn had them.

-And what about princess Leia?

-I Love princess Leia, but Luke was the protagonist, he was the one who had to follow. The first Star Wars I saw it on a VHS, in the house of my cousins. It was a new world for me, was to discover the american cinema.

See also: “Star Wars”: Ten answers to eager

-do you Have contract for other films of "Star Wars"?

-Yes, I think that we all signed for a few possible films, but the offer is for a single one.

Guarded. Jones poses with a Death Trooper, one of the soldiers of the death of the Empire. PHOTO: AP

-You already have a name in the industry, a nomination to the Oscar, but do you think that there will be a before and an after, after participating in "Rogue One", in a role so important?

-Yes, and I want to be included and participate in each stage of the realization of the films, I want to move forward.

-What do you convinced to work in "Rogue One"?

-Was the role, the opportunity to do this role.

-what is So simple?

-And I knew it was going to be fun! (laughs), came to do a drama very serious. And this story has a sense of humor, it was a change. And I live in London, they had a shooting party there. To Los Angeles I go only for work, such as New York.

-What do you know of the culture of Argentina? Do you know something of our cinema?

-I Had an ex-boyfriend whose father was argentine. And I remember talking of Borges (laughs), yes, very much. I have a great admiration for the culture.


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