The science fiction movie “Blade Runner” (1982), who examined the meaning of artificial life, returns in 2017 with a sequel directed by Denis Villeneuve (“Hitman”, “Arrival”). Involved the protagonist of the original story, Harrison Ford.
“A new ‘blade runner’, the official Los Angeles Police Officer, K, (Ryan Gosling), he finds a secret buried for a long time that has the potential to submerge what is left of society in chaos. The discovery of K leads to a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former ‘blade runner’ that’s been missing for 30 years”, indicates the dinopsis official of the tape.
In the original story, Deckard is a ‘blade runner‘, officer specialized in search for replicants, robots with human form, to bring them out of the running (kill them).Their final mission, which is finding four androids that came to Earth illegally, you will change the life forever.
A doubt that the fans of “Blade Runner” have had for decades is whether Deckard is or not a replicant. He told the director of the tape to the French web site Allocine, this could not be revealed in the sequel.
“Blade Runner 2049” comes to U.s. theaters October 6, 2017.
The original tape was based on the novel “do androids Dream of electric sheep?” written by Phillip K. Dick.
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