Saturday, December 17, 2016

Why Rogue One is one of the great films of Star Wars – LA NACION (Argentina)

Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and Cassian Andor (Diego Luna).

When Disney bought out George Lucas ‘ franchise of Star Wars , the giant company had in mind to revive the saga of Luke Skywalker and company. But not only I wanted to continue the core story, but also thought carry on films that throw light into hidden passages of the plot that had potential to become great epic. And so it was as he reached the Rogue One, which tells of how a group of brave soldiers decides to carry on the mission to steal the plans of the death Star (which then would fall in the hands of a young farmer of Tatooine). Although at first many considered this production as one more link in a franchise something worn, after being released showed that it has strength to become one of the films greatest of the galactic universe. For that reason, we tell you why Rogue One is a true masterpiece that you can not miss.

1. Rescue an aesthetic loss

There is a meme going around that is pretty clear: there are two photos of George Lucas, one located in the eighties (the years of the first Star Wars) with the director surrounded by miniatures and craft of toy. In the second, contextualised to the beginning of the century, appears again Luke, but with a green screen background (in obvious allusion to the excess of creatures and digital collections that appear in a second trilogy).In Episode VII, J. J. Abrams did not want to overdo it and tried not to fall in that mistake because it is well known that a good part of the mystical in Star Wars has to do with the materiality of your universe, with the sensation of seeing creatures, ships, and places that have their own life, or to put it another way, with more meat and less pixel. And the first great success of Rogue One was exactly that: to give material life to the entire story told. To be placed chronologically in the days leading up to Episode IV, the direct or Gareth Edwards managed a perfect job when you synchronize your aesthetic with the film’s opening of the franchise. And while it is obvious that there are plenty of digital life in many sections of the film, that resource is camufló under a thousand layers of adventure, adrenaline and love for the tragic story of a group of heroes willing to die for their goal. With Rogue One, Star Wars returned to the ships dusty and the characters that hide their heroism under dirty clothes and dirt accumulated. And the return to this aesthetic is the tribute bigger than they could to make the true engine of this series.

George Lucas through the years.

2. Jyn Erso and other family history tragic

there Was much talk about how in the era of Donald Trump, this new Star Wars presented a group leading fully heterogeneous, in which an actor of latino, chinese and other african-american could make a team to work under the firm leadership of a fearless woman. And, as is often the case, science fiction is the bunker ideal for trafficking ideologies which today seems ridiculously dangerous. So yes, the variety of heroes and heroines of the movie is another of its strengths.

In a record of performance that has little to do with the universe Star Wars (which always ranged from the solemnity type Obi Wan to the mischievousness, adventurous Han Solo), the protagonists of Rogue One are the soldiers from we accept death as a destination, more than likely. You all know that the mission that we undertake is suicidal and that makes them more bold in the face of danger. For this reason, and unlike the other films in the series, the action is not festive, the shootings are not funny and it’s probably never a successful hit has been so dramatic. In those action sequences that seem to tear the protagonists, Felicity Jones , in the skin of Jyn Erso, is the great revelation. Hers is a character from roots turbid, that fight against the ghost being embarrassed by her father Galen, an element that connects it directly with Luke Skywalker and even Han Solo, adventurers who fought for get the better of his father or of his son. And Jyn understands t hat sacrifice for Galen is the only way to claim as possible, and its coldness is the only expression capable of feeling. Reason for which, the of Erso is a character of a single tone within the series, which will go hand in hand with another hero that will cover also a way of shame and need for redemption.

3. Diego Luna and the hero shot

The inclusion of Diego Luna awoke some suspicions. No one knew what role he could play, and many looked with skepticism to an actor who had to prove himself worthy of being involved in that world. And Moon, which interprets the mortified rebel soldier Cassian Andor, is not only a key figure in the story, but one of the great heroes of this mythology. Andor is a new type of character because it is the first rebel soldier that doubt of his heroism. Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia were able to what is necessary to bring the rebel cause to victory, and never doubted of their own actions. But the focus of Rogue One, much more dramatic in that sense, becomes the character of Luna in a soldier’s tortured, in a man who, despite choosing to kill for the cause not for that reason stop doing it with a guilt that seems to desbordarlo. And so it is that throughout the film, Andor traverses an arc dramatic that has to do with reformulating your own personality and embrace the kind of hero that you want to become. When added to the fight for Jyn and tells him that he should go ahead because it “could not look in the mirror”, the hero begins to build for himself an identity moral with the that you can feel comfortable.

To the end of the day, and, beyond the struggle for the plans of the death Star, Rogue One is the story of two soldiers who did not know how to do makeup scars of her past, scars that do not allow them to live, but that through this new mission they manage to reconcile.

4. It is not water-tight for the not started

Any fiction of Star Wars load of the backpack to please their fans. This many times means only one thing: guiñarle the eye to the person skilled in the art through a special appearance of an old character or including some other subtle reference. By fear, many fictions of that world do not dare to drop that belt and end up slaves of those winks that, on several occasions, are somewhat forced and even sin of leaving out the spectator who is unfamiliar with the mythology of this universe. Is more, that happened to own Luke when he premiered his second trilogy, and was put on the need to explain, in a somewhat awkward, the origin of Bobba Fett (just to give the taste to the thousands of fans of a character in the original trilogy, it was almost part of the scenery). But Rogue One is not hanging from the previous films, free of charge, but seeks a way to incorporate those elements to sum them up with a harmony to the story, without taking away the history of their own a utonomy. It is impossible to deny it: the film is tribunera; the scene has Darth Vader, the most powerful of all the saga (that in which revolea soldiers to force use of the mythical grip); it presents a digitized return of Moff Tarkin (and a young princess) and it even contains a cameo from the aggressive aliens, which then appear in the cantina of Mos Eisley, but not why the film neglects to their original characters. The knot of the history and evolution of heroes is own weight, and if this work were unrelated to the world of the Jedi, would work just as well. The director Gareth Edwards, as a kind of iconoclastic within the galactic family, are not needed sables laser or delve into the famous force at the time of joining your story and this is where lies the strength of the film, in that it does not need to be demagogic to the public fan of the saga because it has a personality strong enough to be attractive both for lovers of that world as for those who do not kno w what is a X-Wing (and nor are they interested in knowing it).

5. As the film is fabulous…

For these reasons and many more, Rogue One is a great film that exceeds the limits of the universe Star Wars to be constructed as a narrative self-sufficient. The main merit of the director is to visit as a tourist myths of the saga, but without being distracted too much and never losing sight that the real goal is to tell a story compelling. It may be that the great paradox of Rogue One is that while it is not Star Wars-dependent, is the one that better explores the moral debate that is involved in being a “rebel soldier”. In this film, the fight of the rebels is seen from a bit romantic, a bit idealist, putting the accent on the tragedy (the death part of the fight) and even dares to question that those soldiers who seek peace can be just as bloodthirsty as his rival.

With an eye on classics like The twelve of the gallows, this production arouses in the spectator an immediate empathy for these heroes imperfect that are delivered to a mission in which they choose to risk everything. And that sense of the epic that characterizes the particular group leading, is one of the elements that both moves of the myth Star Wars and that allows us to understand why the universe remains the most popular to give the film in its more than hundred years of history.


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