The lead actress of the saga “The hunger games” and the movie “Passengers”, he explained in an interview with the Daily Telegraph that his reaction to unfriendly it is because, as he says, of fame.
“I Think that people, strangers, think that we are friends because I am famous and they feel that they know me. But I don’t know,” said the young actress of 26 years, winning an Oscar, about the link that is established between a Hollywood star and the common people.
Jennifer Lawrence is characterized by an attitude of open, honest, and without qualms talking about his life. Like when he told that before one of the ceremonies of the Oscars smoked marijuana, and that could be the reason of their most that commented falls. But now, the actress said that it will protect “your bubble” avoiding take photos with people you do not know.
“I have already started to be something maleducada and locking myself in myself because I have to protect my bubble. I think: ‘I have a job unlikely, don’t let that be your reality’. It is more important to me than the fact that someone thinks that I am maleducada”, referred to.
“So you made it clear with my body language that I don’t want to be talking to a stranger. And if you continue talking to me, I just go back maleducada. I don’t say anything, but I’m on plan mmmm, yes, no, ok, good bye,” added the actress.
What is striking is that Lawrence is one of the few actresses young people who do not have profile on Instagram. For her, it is not life ride taking 50 selfies a day. “I can’t live like this,” said the actress.
Jennifer ensures that you will not complain of your life, because that works “on what he really likes instead of sitting in an office”, according to The Country of Spain. The actress has become one of the main familiar faces in a claim to equal pay in Hollywood, and in his last film took on a few million more than the co-star male, Chris Pratt.
this is Not the first celebrity that complains about the price that fame makes them pay and take cards in the matter.
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