Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Arnold Schwarzenegger surprised: “I see myself in the mirror and puke” | Commerce Peru – Trade

The actor austrian nationalized american Arnold Schwarzenegger surprised to confess that you do not feel not happy with your physical appearance.

In an interview with the February edition of the magazine “Cigar Aficionado”, the former governor of California said that “every time you look in the mirror, and vomits”, in reference to the physical alterations increases in the last decade.

According to “New York Daily News,” the self-demand that has the former star of “Terminator” is not recent, but dates from several decades ago.

“I saw it all the time in the mirror after winning the Mr. Olymppia and I said: How did this lot of m… won? I never saw perfection any”, he added.

Arnold Schwarzenegger spent much of his life to bodybuilding, then deepened its facet of actor and finally entered politics. “I don’t feel very much my age. I do the same things that 20 years ago”, he added.

Finally, the actor of 69 years of age revealed that her greatest fear is to face the mirror and say “I’m a loser”.

lucy Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2000.


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