*Spoilers for Rogue One below.
In the newly released spin-off Rogue One: A History of Star Wars – 84%, one of the characters that appear, was played, in the film, the original The War of the Galaxies – 93%, by Peter Cushing, who unfortunately passed away in 1994. However, the technology helped to Cushing is back as the villainous Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One: A History of Star Wars; to achieve this, the creators of the tape used to a different actor and later made it look like Cushing’s digitally. The same procedure was used for a cameo from Carrie Fisher as a young Princess Leia.
The CGI each time it progresses and will now be exploited by the very same Martin Scorsese, who then have a brand new Silence – 100% as it prepares for the expected The Irishman, an adaptation of the novel of the same name that will be his reunion with Robert De Niro then of not to work together on a feature film since Casino – 80%.
In an interview with CinemaBlend, the producer of The Irishman, the mexican Gaston Pavlovich, revealed that already tested the “extraordinary technology” that will look to De Niro as in the days of The Godfather: Part II – 99%.
it Is an extraordinary technology that we have been reviewing. Since you don’t use prosthetics or makeup, it is only the performance and the technology is able to make them go at different times. We have done some tests and it looks extraordinary. We were able to film a scene with Bob [De Niro], and we saw it as if I had 20, 40 or 60 years, so we are anticipating this to The Irishman. Imagine seeing De Niro as in his days of The Godfather: Part II, this is basically as you will see.
it should Be added that De Niro had already talked about this some time ago and stated that not only does he look younger in The Irishman, but also other actors, like Al Pacino.
I’m working on The Irishman with Marty Scorsese, and there are sections of the film in which we are experiencing for me to be able to see more young, as in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Not only I, but others actors also.
it Is very curious that for the younger version of Vito Corleone, the character Marlon Brando in The Godfather: Part II was used precisely to De Niro. Would it not be better to recruit a histrión Italian-american young man with some rezemblanza to De Niro for The Irishman? Or do you believe that technology will advance enough in a couple of years to not look like Princess Leia in Rogue One? Because let us accept it, the use of digital was extremely noticeable.
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