Friday, December 9, 2016

Spain passes a new statute to modernize the National Library – W Radio

Madrid, 9 dec (EFE).- The National Library of Spain (BNE), which account for more than three centuries of existence and is the first in the English-speaking world, will have a new status to improve their management, help in the search for sponsorships and promote the research, as announced today by the Council of Ministers.

according To the arrangement presented by the Government spokesperson and minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, the new statute will provide the BNE of autonomy similar to that available to large museums like The Prado or the Reina Sofia, both in Madrid.

This provision -the minister said a spokesperson – will help to “accelerate significantly the capacity of action of the agency.”

The measures will alleviate the sharp reduction in the budgetary provision for the BNE, which has gone from about $ 48 million in 2010 to just over 30 this year.

By the provisions today approved, the Royal patron of the Library will be able to do “active work of recruitment of own resources, especially those derived from inputs free of charge and private entities and individuals, and revenues received as a result of the rental of spaces”.

The Actual Board will have two collegial bodies of management, the Plenary and the Permanent Commission.

The Full promote projects of collaboration and innovation, and propose the multi-annual Strategic Plan and the Annual Plan of Objectives, as well as participation in societies, foundations, or other non-profit entities.

The Standing Committee will, among other things, to approve the donations of bibliographic heritage, the output of the works for external loans, the pricing and research projects, which will count with the advice of a scientific committee.

According to Ana Santos Aramburu, director of the biblioteca nacional, the constitution of the Board of trustees as an organ of management was a step “necessary” to mark the policy of the agency, to increase and manage their own income, and to participate in societies and foundations.

“there Are many challenges that you must face today BNE: to improve internal management, streamline processes, provide more and better services, encourage the generation of knowledge and open their doors to new audiences”, he added.

The National Library of Spain, one of the largest in the world, was founded by king Felipe V in the December 29, 1711, and during its more than three centuries of existence, it has gained about 30 million publications, from books, magazines, maps, engravings, drawings, or musical scores. EFE


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