Friday, December 9, 2016

Goya the grand finale to the 30th anniversary of relations between Israel and Spain – W Radio

Maria Sevillano

Jerusalem, dec 9 (EFE).- In a special exhibition and the first of this caliber in the Middle East, the Israel Museum shows in Jerusalem “Francisco Goya: Dreams and Nightmares”, with ten boxes of the first level rendered by the Prado Museum as the grand finale of the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Spain and Israel.

The collection is complete with dozens of engravings in the custody of the pinacoteca israeli series “Los Disparates”, “Los Desastres de la Guerra,” “Tauromaquia” and “Los Caprichos” (the original of the edition of 1799), and a few reproductions in charcoal and red chalk of “Las Meninas”, a painting in which, according to experts, the aragonese painter was inspired to compose “The family of Carlos IV”.

“this Is the first time that we are able to bring together a selection of works on paper of our property, with a really excellent selection of paintings of Goya in The Prado, in Madrid”, explained to Efe the director of the Israel Museum, James S. Snyder.

it does It with “The Parasol”, presiding over the main room in a red-hot where you are highlighted under a dim light that nine of the ten paintings that hang along some of the prints.

The tenth painting, a small portrait of 1795, gives the welcome to the show, which starts in a room converted into a dark and narrow corridor, embedded in the previous one.

There, the series of “Whims” capture you with its roughness to the visitor, who delves into the restlessness of Goya to find after his side more friendly in such works as “Tobias and the Angel” in the company of “The Holy Family”.

“Really the exhibit and our own drawings and paintings have to do with these two opposite moments in the work of Goya,” says Snyder, who insists on noting that it is the first time that it is exposed in Israel his paintings.

The vice-president of the Board of trustees of the Prado, Amelia Valcárcel, travelled to Israel to accompany the pictures and pointed out that this is a sample “very, very important. Very important, for the quantity and quality of the works that the museum has borrowed”.

This selection, made by the director of the department of Goya in The Prado museum, Manuela Mena, with the suggestions of the curator of the exhibition, Shlomit Steinberg, is thought carefully with the intention of representing almost all periods of the painter, and the inclusion of some of their most significant works.

“Goya is one of the great Spanish painters and, within the policy of the museums to be generous in the handling of the culture, we are very happy to contribute with this great exhibition, that is splendid, to celebrate the years of friendship between Spain and Israel” because “the culture is what has to govern relations” among countries, he said Valcárcel.

During the inauguration, this morning, curious, and understood they were going over a collection diverse, a reflection of the sensitivity and intelligence with which he perceived the world this master of painting, according to Steinberg, had something “very particular”.

“Goya teaches something beautiful, serene, and neutral. And then, from somewhere, so low, you drag something a little wicked, a little grotesque, a little strange. Always reminds you that Goya is not an artist with a single-side”, describes.

And lists the alternation in the engravings of the many elements that make his work unique: “the men, the women, the prostitutes, the punishment by the law, the Inquisition, the complaint of those who want to be what they are not, the highlights and shadows of life. And how are you going to drift towards works that are more obscure, the nightmares, the demons that come out at night, the black sabbath…”.

The Spanish ambassador to Israel, Fernando by carderera, one of the promoters of the event, was excited by the opportunity to bring to Israel one of the most representative names of Spain and its cultural legacy.

The diplomat, who has in their family tree with an uncle of one of their great-grandparents that he was a painter in the studio of Goya and a great art collector -Valentine by carderera-assessed the exhibition as “the most important event” of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of bilateral relations.

And thanked “the extreme generosity of the Museum of the Prado”, which will give during the next four months, thousands of israelis and tourists the unique opportunity of approaching from the other side of the Mediterranean to the immense work of one of the most representative artists of Spain. EFE



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