Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Leonardo in the papers of a retired – LA NACION (Argentina)

The New York MET said it is a drawing that I belonged to a book lover in French

The discovery of a new drawing attributed to Leonardo da Vinci revolutionized yesterday the international artistic community. It is a piece of the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, valued at about 15 million euros, that belongs to a retired physician French, whose name is not crossed and that up to the time he was ignorant of the authorship.

In a statement, released by the New York Times, the Metropolitan Museum of Arts (MET) reported that the discovery came after analyzing a drawing that belonged to a bibliophile French. The son of the collector, a retired physician, resident in a village in the interior of France, it took a few months to the auction house in paris Tajan fourteen illustrations which he inherited among the possessions of his father, to inquire about its value.

the director of The department of ancient drawings of that house, Thaddée Prate, said that observing the martyrdom of St Sebastian, reminded him of other similar of Da Vinci and acknowledged that it was the work of an artist left-handed. The renaissance artist was.

“The sketch is executed with a pen streamlined, contoured with a rounded which gives density to the body, which is usual in the period of the Adoration of the Magi, before that Leonardo will leave Milan,” explained the expert in ancient drawings Patrick de Bayser, accessed by Tajan, and according to the newspaper reported the Country.

A third opinion sought by the auction house, responsible for drawings of the Spanish and Italian at the MET; Carmen Bambach, confirmed that it is a genuine Da Vinci that corresponds to the beginning of the stage of the artist in Milan, between 1482 and 1485,and that it is the first work of that artist eu is located in this market in three decades.

On the reverse side of the drawing are small scientific studies on the shadow of the light of a candle, and a series of notes in writing to speculate, right-to-left, which the Italian artist used to use.

Chopping you want to take the drawing to auction next year, but before the French State will need to authorize the sale of the piece outside of that country. According to the auction house experts from the department of drawing of the Louvre Museum analyzed the outline at the beginning of November. The State has the right to prohibit the sale of the work and to prevent to leave the French territory if they declared him “a national treasure”. Then, segúnla current legislation, would be two and a half years to purchase the work at market price.


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