Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Five books to meet Mario Vargas Llosa – La Nacion (Argentina)

A selection of works for anyone who wishes to explore or deepen the work of the Peruvian Nobel

“eightieth birthday has no merit, in our days anyone who has not excessively abused their bodies with alcohol, snuff and drugs get it. But perhaps it is a good opportunity to make a stop along the way and, before resuming ride, looking back. ” So the last newspaper article that the Peruvian Nobel recently published in The Nation begins. And if you look back it comes, the writer, one of the emblematic authors of the Latin American Boom, has a rich and vast experience to review. The works here chosen not exhaust the repertoire of the best creations of Vargas Llosa, but they do give an idea of ​​the variety of records that dealt with talent and efficacy

The Time of the Hero.

First novel, published in 1962 Seix Barral, dodging all sorts of adventures to avoid Spanish censorship. The book, innovative both in subject matter and in form, reflects the clash of cultures, even in the twentieth century, between the indigenous roots and the Spanish colonization of the Americas, through an everyday story: the life of the cadets in the Colegio Militar Leoncio Prada, a place where young Peruvians of different social backgrounds, governed by the bloody codes abuse that enables a system of unquestioned authoritarianism

aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter.

published in 1977, weaves a strong bond plotting two narrative threads: the affair of the young writer Varguitas with his sensual aunt, several years older than him, and comic misadventures of Bolivian Pedro Camacho, author, director and performer of the most popular soap operas for the same station where Varguitas plays “a job pompous title, modest salary, misappropriated and elastic time: director of Information Radio Panamericana”.

the war of the end of the world:

Vargas Llosa gave them this novel Euclides da Cunha and Nelida Piñon. Fresh amazing an amazing historical episode that occurred in Brazil in the nineteenth century: the War of Canudos, popular uprising religious imprint, in the northeast, against the organization and embodied by the brand republic values ​​then blunted the years of the empire. Antonio Conselheiro, leader of the revolt, and his followers thought they saw in the new system the destructive wiles of antichrist

A Fish in the Water.

In 1993 Vargas Llosa published this autobiography, beginning with the traumatic moment

when the writer knows his father, after having lived the first ten years of his life in the certainty that the father had died, and arrives until 1990, completed the political adventure that almost leads to the presidency of Peru. The birth of his vocation, the complex social fabric of their country, difficulties in fully devote himself to his passion for writing and the reasons and situations of a life that will feed his work, are the subject of these confessional pages.

La Fiesta del Chivo:

historical background novel set in the Dominican Republic ruled by General Trujillo (nicknamed the Goat). It is a journey to the origin and roots (also the memory and revenge) that Dr. Urania Cabral decides to take from the US, new home of its prosperous existence, despite the suffering it causes him to face his past that is also the painful past of his people. The whole art of Vargas Llosa, serving an unforgettable portrait of fierce Trujillo, the man who does not sweat.

Do you agree with the selection? What book would you add?


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