Sunday, October 4, 2015

Savall joins Old and New World in closure of sacred music festival Bogota – Digital Today (Dominican Republic)

Jordi Savall will close the IV International Festival of Sacred Music in Bogotá. Photo:.

Bogota .- The Spanish musician Jordi Savall will close today the IV International Festival of Sacred Music in Bogotá, with a presentation on own music linking the Old and New World. “The old music is a bridge, because the Spanish music and the New World had two different entities but the same characteristic,” said Savall in a press conference in Bogota.

In this regard, he recalled the musical twinning between the two worlds was possible largely by Spanish sailors who came to America because “many sang and played” instruments, in a time when they did not know it, “there was no music in your life “.

” In the life of ordinary people was essential to know how to play and sing, “he added. Savall stressed that this meeting of music “is the most positive thing has been” the presence of the Spaniards in America, but stressed that the cultural encounter Africans were enslaved and brought to the New World were also present.

“No one speaks of slaves,” said the Spanish musician, now play the “program Folias & amp; Romanescas- differences recercadas and glosses of the Old and New World “, made up of works by composers such as Diego Ortiz, Antonio de Cabezon, Francisco Correa de Arauxo and Antonio Valente, among others.

It also stressed that that musical encounter was “back and back” because African and Amerindian rhythms had strong influence in Spain.

Savall will be accompanied by the Hesperion XXI group today in a concert that will have as central axis peace in a country trying to get after more than half a century of armed conflict.

In this way, the Nahuatl cultures, Quechua and African popular repertoires will merge with the Huasteca anonymous and music manuscripts preserved in and printed from the Old and New Spain of Renaissance and Baroque dyes in a concert in which the theme of peace will be very present.

The Spanish musician, one of the most renowned interpreters of early music, also he claimed enjoy concerts in Colombia, since “if the public do not require you do not give” something that does not happen to him in Bogotá. Asked about his interpretation of classical scores, she said that “based on the principle of having understood the works” but “the mere fact that he is a musician century ago that it be updated.”

In reference to character search for peace concert has said that “music is the last bridge we” humans. “We’re in a world that has broken all the bridges Today” Savall said, adding that “everything that is old is not a work of art.”

In total they have gone through the music festival Bogota sacred artist 550 14 cultures around the world. The festival also presented a series of concerts of early music, “Sones round-trip” in co-production with the National Broadcasting Music Centre (CNDM) of Spain as part of the presentation of Savall.


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