Saturday, July 11, 2015

The timeless look of Omar Sharif – El Universal (Venezuela)

The Egyptian actor Omar Sharif, known internationally for his roles in movies Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago , died yesterday in Cairo, at 83, of an attack heart, told Efe his agent Steve Kenis.

As they advanced several Egyptian media, Sharif died in a hospital in the neighborhood of Helwan, south-east of the city, where he had entered almost a month. The Egyptian archaeologist and former Minister of Antiquities Zahi Hawas, intimate friend of Sharif, told the state newspaper Al Ahram that the actor was suffering from total loss of appetite.

His refusal to take food led to his hospitalization, due to the deterioration of his health, which had been aggravated by the suffering Alzheimer’s disease.

Sharif was born in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria on April 10, 1932. He studied interpretation in London at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

He participated in more than a hundred films in a career that lasted more than 60 years but will be remembered for one role, the passionate and sensitive Yuri Doctor Zhivago , which lent the intensity of a look that captivated the world.

His dark eyes, her elegant bearing and an eternal smile made the actor a star the classical sense of a Hollywood that no longer exists, with a glamorous life, romances, gambling and excesses do not always content.

A remarkable physicist who opened the doors of the cinema of his Egypt hometown, where he had early success since it debuted with just 22 years in Shaytan al-Sahra , Youssef Chahine, after graduating in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Cairo.

More than two dozen films in just eight years made him the fashion actor David Lean Egypt until he saw a picture of him when he sought Arab actors to Lawrence of Arabia (1962).

His demeanor

convinced him although in principle would have a small role in the end he played the Arab leader Sherif Ali ibn el Kharish. For that role she got her only Oscar nomination and an international springboard. However, the actor was never satisfied with his work on the film.

In an interview for the 50th anniversary of its release, he said: “I think it’s a great film but I’m not very good”



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