Saturday, July 4, 2015

Start the great Feria del Toro – EntornoInteligente

Start the great Feria del Toro / World / bull San Fermin fair, which starts tomorrow, will have several presidents of nationalist ideology for the first time since the last three municipal legislatures, and including Joseba own Asiron, flamboyant mayor of Pamplona by BILDU.

In such condition , Asiron chair, dressed in frock coat and top hat, as is traditional, the run on the day of the patron of the city, July 7, opening the continuing series of eight major celebrations after the celebration of the bullfight and bullfighting on horseback prologue .

Despite the reluctance to bullfighting shown by his party in the Basque institutions, such as the city of San Sebastian, Asiron is paid to the volleys of sun Pamplona monumental and declared “fan bulls from 7 to July 14 “.

Still, the new municipal corporation that holds title to a free box with 62 seats, has announced that it will release four installments assigned to bullfighting council to derive cost of 2,176 euros for social purposes.

Precisely these purposes, in particular through its nursing home, is what the House of Mercy, which owns the square and whose Governing Board chaired by the mayor, intended benefits of the San Fermin bull for more than a century ago.

By the nationalist formation, which governs in Pamplona for a pact between leftist parties after the recent municipal elections, will also Aritz Romero who exercises this year as president of racing on the “poor me”, although this council has been taken in the previous term by another party.

The rest of Pops, as decided by the municipal corporation, will be chaired by three councilmen of Union del Pueblo Navarro, two of Geroa Bai and one of the Socialist Party of Navarre, staying out of the box of the bullring the Aranzadi, near Can training, and the only Left-Ezkerra.

But beyond these political and taurinamente secondary aspects, Pamplona is ready to start one of the serial and repercussions of the calendar, with interest already beginning to eight in the morning with its very famous bulls.

With ninety eight percent of fertilizers renewed, full policyholders and more than half the lots waiting for his fighting bulls in pens Gas , 2015 San Fermin begin tomorrow with a bullfight in which three pointers act novice. Posada de Maravillas, Varea and Peruvian Roca Rey

After the traditional bullfighting on horseback also the 6th, with eternal presence Hermoso de Mendoza and Roberto Armendáriz with Sergio Galan Navarre, eight runs walk have different attractions, with the bull as magnetic center of the whole party and always presented with a generous fine appearance.

In the livestock section, besides the usual irons and the “Feria del Toro” and including the Miura remains watchword during this debut edition of The Tagus and the Queen, owned by retired matador Jose Miguel Arroyo “Joselito”, and Joseph School of mating Albaserrada.

Of the twenty bullfighters announced, only repeated Juan Jose Padilla -ídolo little walk from the bustling rocks of welding, Miguel Angel Perera and Ivan Fandiño the Vizcaya, which was precisely the winners of last year in this square.

Meanwhile, the main figures of the roster include almost testimonial form in Pamplona, ​​as El Juli, Castella and Sebastian Alejandro Talavante They have hired a unique performance with the House of Mercy, while Morante de la Puebla, Enrique Ponce and José María Manzanares and declined to participate.

The other positions on the posters will be occupied by Morenito Aranda and Simon Lopez, who rewarded his triumphs in Madrid, Jimenez Fortes, Diego Urdiales, which replaces the injured Antonio Ferrera-, Pepe Moral, Miguel Abellan, Juan del Alamo and a series of “modest” swords to try to seize the opportunity to the excessive “Pamplona bull”.

In addition to the formal celebrations, the square of Pamplona during the mornings will host several competitions and appointments trimmers called “Toros family,” which consist of a practical class rejoneador Roberto Armendariz, the 10th, and a corral of cows Navarra breed by three becerristas in the area.

And, of course, the closures, which will be issued at a hearing therefore millionaire TVE as the US network NBC to offer one year return to the unmistakable image of a party known worldwide since Ernest Hemingway wrote it absolutely fascinated

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