Monday, July 13, 2015

Spanish singer-songwriter Javier Krahe kept his guitar – El Universal (Venezuela)


Monday July 13, 2015 12:00 AM

Madrid .- Javier Krahe, singer and composer Spanish representative of the Madrid urban song of the 80s, died Sunday at age 71 from a heart attack at his home in Zahara de Frontera in Andalusia.

Krahe, who gained recognition with names like Joaquin Sabina and Luis Eduardo Aute, had the bitter criticism as property at the time of writing.

Educated in one of the best schools in Madrid, began a degree in economics he left to move to Canada, where he began his career as a lyricist. On his return to Spain, in the early 70s, it begins it writing songs for other artists such as Alberto Perez, before, in 1980, he managed to publish his first album titled Valley of tears , with the initiator the list of fifteen would publish throughout his career. Among these are The mandrake with Alberto Perez and Joaquin Sabina, and other solo and Do what you want and Corral Horned .


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