Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Simon Lopez cut three ears and also opens the “gate closure” –

GRA496.PAMPLONA (Navarra) 07.07.2015. The bullfighter Alberto Lopez Simon during slaughter his second of the afternoon, which cut two ears after the third fertilizer held this afternoon in the Pamplona bullring and where he shared the stage with Juan Jose Padilla and Pepe Moral. EFE / Jesus Diges

Pamplona, ​​July 7 (EFE) .- The young Spaniard Alberto Lopez matador Simon, who already was one of the winners of the recent cycle of San Isidro, also came out today on the shoulders of the “gate closure” of the square of Pamplona, ​​after cutting three ears to Jandilla lidiada run on the day of San Fermin

Six bulls Jandilla (2 and 6, with iron Vegahermosa), uneven volume and raised but all very serious presentation, rennet and abundant and defenses astifinas. Overall, it was a manageable and run some mobility, but all of it just to race and, in some cases, playing less and defensive
Juan Jose Padilla. Lying rear thrust (silence); . puncture average crossed, short thrust and pithing (silence after notice)
Pepe Moral: jab, thrust lying six pithing (silence after notice); average thrust (silence)
Lopez Simon thrust fall (ear with the second request). detached thrust (two ears). He left shoulder.
sellout in the third festival of San Fermin payment.


The flamboyant mayor of Pamplona, ​​the nationalist Joseba Asirón, premiered today as president of the bullring three ears giving generously to the Madrid Lopez Simon, whose greatest merit for both the big prize went to the serious attitude shown Jandilla run.
That attitude was what made him overcome a shivery start your first job, a bull moved without excessive class but with Simon did not engage until the middle of the fret, just as, in short distance The bullfighter happened to soften and make more fluid muletazos.
A shot with fanfare knees, which eventually put the public in their work, and effective lunge gave way to the granting of the first ear.
The other two obtained from the sixth bull cinqueño trapío serious and excruciating pythons, with Simon Lopez was more settled, in every way, even though the animal lacked zeal travel and the onslaught.
finally Tucked between the terrifying home of the pythons, the Spaniard finished his effort to collect another quick impact espadazo to cut the two ears that have the task of development, they could well stay in one. But, yet, Simon Lopez is already the winner of these Sanfermines.
The director of the corrida bullfighting was here idolized Juan Jose Padilla, who gave a long way from that which has made him the torero image favorite of the festive rocks sun.
This time is no pirate flags waved in his honor, and that of “Illa, illa, Padilla wonder” was sung, because the Jerez did not cause the excitement in just two tasks incomprehensibly cautious before a lot that you never got in trouble.
Padilla banderilleó only his first, which constantly tripped fabrics, and, unless changed a long greeting, just bet with conviction with the fourth noble as bland.
Pepe Moral put more and better talent to the second of his lot after last forever in a pointless and dull task with the previous bull, in what was a long succession of snagging a crutch.
Instead, with the fifth, another bull with five years of age and tremendous seriousness of python tail, Seville bullfighter was used more wisely but not too clear either take the little zeal as impressive example of Jandilla.

Paco Aguado


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