Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ford and Abrams talk about “The awakening of force” – La Prensa Grafica

The cast and those responsible for the latest installment of “The Wars”, “The Awakening of force”, presented some images of the shooting of the film and joked with some new information about the hermetic film to an enthusiastic audience at the Hall H of Comic-Con.

The filmmaker JJ Abrams and the president of Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy, were joined on stage by veteran actors Harrison Ford saga, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher.

Ford, who reappeared in public after suffering a serious accident plane in March, said the audience and the presenter of the event, Chris Hardwick, it was fine. The excited crowd erupted into applause when they saw Ford, who was the last to be introduced.

Sitting by Hamill, a Ford sullen did not hesitate to talk about their refusal to revisit the world of “War galaxies “and his character Han Solo.

” I should have felt ridiculous, it was 30 years ago, “Ford said. “In a way I matured”.

He never thought he would hit series after the original trilogy.

“I was pleased when I read the script because I read something I found quite remarkable very well written and with some very interesting developments, “said the actor. “I was delighted to participate and very happy to be part of history and cast again,” said


The latest installment of the saga, which opens in theaters on December 18, it is set almost 30 years after “Return of the Jedi”.

Before fans could enjoy old acquaintances cast, could see newcomers to the light side of the force and for the first time, to those on the dark side.



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