Friday, July 10, 2015

Chapter ahead of the new novel by Harper Lee – The Universal

The British newspaper The Guardian published today by advanced The first chapter Go and put a sentinel , the unpublished novel of Harper Lee which hits bookstores on July 14.

In this chapter, the daily offers with exquisite artwork Clohosy Tom Cole and recorded by American actress Reese Witherspoon audio, the reader is reunited with Jean Louise Finch – “Scout” – the protagonist and narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird .

Although it is set about 20 years after Kill a Mockingbird , Go and put a sentinel , whose existence It was discovered last year, it was written by Lee before that famous work, his only book published and which won the prize Pulitzer 1961 .

In the sequel, Finch, now 26, returns to Maycomb, Alabama, from New York at the annual visit to her father, who, as we discover, is weakened by arthritis.

The first chapter describes his journey home by train, with a direct and poetic prose and a comic wink by an incident with a folding bed, which serves to locate the landscapes of the southern United States, while after several characters are introduced known as Kill a Mockingbird .

The Guardian states that the novel, Harper Lee wrote in the mid-fifties, before his great success of 1960, will go on sale in the UK on July 14 by the publisher William Heinemann.

The publication of Go and put a sentinel has raised great expectations all around the world, because the manuscript came to light many years after Lee conceived and details of why the author, 89 years and a fragile state of health are unknown, finally decided to publish it.

Until last fall was located not novel, as announced in February, HarperCollins and Penguin Random House publishers, although the “New York Times” said that could have been found in 2011.

According to the newspaper, it would have been Alice Lee, the author’s sister, that would have slowed the publication, but his death late last year, would have ended with that obstacle.

The publication of Go and put a sentinel is a major publishing event and is expected to be accompanied by a series of promotional events organized by publishers especially in the United States.

In the case of the translation into Spanish, two teams have worked in versions for Spain and Latin America, where the novel goes on sale just 24 hours after the Anglo-Saxon world.

also The Wall Street Journal

From Atlanta, had been looking through the window of the dining car with an almost physical pleasure “is the first sentence the expected release, which begins with the return of Jean Luise “Scout” Finch, daughter of lawyer Atticus Finch, the fictional town in Alabama where ambientaba Kill a Mockingbird .

The author, 89, had held since the publication of that work an editorial silence for half a century, and the launch of the new work has been surrounded by many doubts and suspicion about the real objective of the publication of the novel.

As recalled today the Journal, “ Go and put a sentinel was the first

draft of Kill a Mockingbird , but the editor JB Lippincott asked Harper Lee to write new work, and after work came one of the most popular novels of American literature “.

According to the Journal, the work will be released on Tuesday has been “edited slightly.”

“We have been made clear that Harper Lee wanted to be published as it was,” said Johathan Burnham, publisher of HarperCollins, which will launch the work of Lee.

Go and put a sentinel will be launched in 90 libraries in the United States on Tuesday amid an extensive promotion campaign that has been working the publishing house in recent months. According to newspaper, HarperCollins is looking to make this release the new-old work of Lee in the bestseller this summer.

Initially presented as a supposed sequel to Kill a Mockingbird, Go and put a sentinel “also comes amid questions about when access to the manuscript had”.

In fact, is not entirely clear whether the almost nonagenarian author is totally agree with the publication of the work, although their circle of agents and lawyers and the publisher insist that the launch has its green light.

Harper Lee’s lawyer, Tonja B. Carter, denied that the work to be launched on Tuesday is an early version of Kill a Mockingbird and ensures that the new work was discovered last fall.

However, The New York Times recently reported that there is evidence that the manuscript was not discovered in the fall, but in 2011, and since then Alice Lee, the sister of the author, now deceased, asked that it not be published.

According to the Journal, which belongs to the company News Corp, which also controls HarperCollins, the anticipated demand for Go and put a sentinel is the greatest it has been in the history of the publishing house, you have already printed more than 2 million copies.

HarperCollins, says the newspaper, is under strong pressure to generate higher revenues as part of News Corp, which has the publishing house as one of the most profitable divisions.



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