Thursday, December 8, 2016

The judge orders the registration of the domicile of the parents of Nadia – Hypertext

The magistrate of the Court of Instruction 1 of la Seu d’urgell decided yesterday the entry and registration in the domicile of the parents of Nadia Nerea, the child with trichothiodystrophy. The procedure, carried out in the presence of the judge, lasted until midnight. Hours before the parents of the child with the rare disease had been arrested by the Mossos d’esquadra, although the mother was released at about five in the morning. Their parents will not proceed to court disposition during the day.

The parents of the minor have the same quality of investigated inside of a court case opened by a crime of fraud

According to confirmed to Hypertext sources of the Court Superior of Justice of Catalonia, the parents of the minor, Fernando White Snack and Marga Garau Ramis, have quality investigated within a court case opened by a crime of fraud. This legal entity was previously known as defendants. The opening of the investigation conducted by the Mossos d’esquadra started last Saturday, at the root of the suspicions pointed out first by Josu Mezo in the blog Bad Press and paths to research published first by Hypertext and then by the journalists Manuel Ansede and Elena Sevillano in the journal The Nation.

Asked for the money for a treatment that does not exist

The family of Nadia takes driving since 2008, media campaigns to raise money with the purpose of submitting her daughter to a treatment that in reality does not exist. Unfortunately, as with many rare diseases, the trichothiodystrophy does not currently have a cure. The parents of the minor had argued that the alleged therapy for which they obtained more than 150,000 euros through anonymous donations consisted of a operation genetics through brain. However, as was able to confirm this medium, no Houston hospital offers this treatment and there is no doctor called Edward Brown that has been linked with the Nobel prize in Medicine, 2013, or with the Center of Aerospace Research for NASA.

In recent days, the parents had raised over € 150,000 for a therapy for non-existent

After the publication of the information in Bad Press, Hypertext and The Nation, the wave of solidarity that had been generated with the case of Nadia Nerea was transformed into indignation and dismay. The family of the child announced that would return all donations, although last Monday by the magistrate of the Seu d’urgell ordered the freezing bank accounts and required the medical information and the passport of the girl, suffering from a rare condition of which only have been detected a hundred cases around the world. Fernando White admitted during an interview on Public Mirror that it had not carried his daughter to Houston, but that he had visited healers to treat their disease.


The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases has disassociated itself from the case Nadia Nerea. Also what has been done in other Spanish families with children with trichothiodystrophy, as reflected in a report published by Ainhoa Iriberri in Spanish. Before the birth of the child, Fernando White had been sentenced to four years and ten months in prison for the crimes of falsehood documentary and misappropriation continued twenty million pesetas in the company where he worked.

The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases has disassociated itself from the case, Nadia

The parents of Nadia Nerea have maintained in recent days that the money raised only went to the care of his daughter. In addition, the magistrate asked the Prosecutor to evaluate if he wished to adoption of civil measures in relation to the lower, as your guardianship to address issues about child support, residence, communication, medical treatment or education. In the current situation we do not appreciate the risk to the child but we are vigilant,” he assured the chief prosecutor of Lleida, John Boné, in declarations picked up by Europa Press. The General Directorate for Attention to Children and adolescents of the Generalitat de Catalunya is also making a follow up of the case to protect the minor girl.


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