Monday, December 5, 2016

The family of Nadia will not return the money to the have frozen their accounts – Hypertext

The Court of First Instance and Instruction nº 1 of La Seu d’urgell has frozen the bank accounts which include Fernando Blanco and Marga Garau as owners, according to forward to The Nation. At the request of the Mossos d’esquadra, who have opened an investigation on the state of health of Nadia and the management of the money raised, the judge has not proceeded to freeze the accounts of the family. As a result, the parents of the girl of eleven years, affected with trichothiodystrophy may not by the time to return the sum economic as had been committed.

The Mossos d’esquadra have opened an investigation into the case to determine the management of the money raised and to know the state of health of the girl

Sources of the General Council of the Judiciary have confirmed to Hypertext that he has asked the family of Nadia to take all the medical reports to the court, where the child will be examined by one examiner to assess your state of health. The freezing of the bank accounts is an open procedure to determine the management of the sum economic raised that, as explained by White in Antena 3, amounted to 301,000 euros. “There’s No one investigated -the legal concept previously known as charged – or cited to declare”, has been explained from the CGPJ to this medium. According to has been able to confirm this through, the judge has decreed secret of summary, so that’s not going to be communications to the public about the proceedings opened.

the opening of The investigation comes after getting to know the inverosimilitudes and falsehoods of the story of Nadia, a female patient of eleven years affected by trichothiodystrophy, a rare disease today, incurable. His father wore for the last eight years promoting various initiatives to raise money in order to subject the girl to a therapy that does not actually exist. As noted initially, Josu Mezo in his blog Bad Press and confirmed this through later, there is no doctor called Edward Brown and no Houston hospital performs the operation, genetics, through the brain defending its parent.

“If you have financial needs for their daughter, the parents may request the amount necessary to the court”, commented sources of the General Council of the Judicial Power to this medium. The opening of the investigation on the facts disclosed by the Hypertext and the newspaper The Nation in the past few days, where it is shown in the falsehoods and inverosimilitudes disseminated by the father of Nadia Nerea, comes after they have also known the history of Fernando Blanco. The Diari Menorca announced that the parent had been sentenced by misappropriation and misrepresentation documentary to four years and ten months of prison for having cheated at least twenty million pesetas in the company where I worked in Menorca during the nineties.


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