Sunday, December 4, 2016

Miguel Hernández in the network – The Century of Torreon

The typewriter that was used when I was a correspondent, the dairy in the that took his poems out of jail, letters to his wife… Those are some of the nearly six thousand documents and 26,684 images of the legacy of Miguel Hernandez from today will be public access through the Internet.

Have been two years of work to record every one of the 5,819 manuscripts, pamphlets, sheet music, newspapers and historical sound recordings, the images, that make up the file of Miguel Hernández acquired by the Diputación de Jaén to the poet’s family in 2012, explains its president, Francisco Reyes.

Of them, nearly a thousand are manuscripts of literary and about a thousand 700, letters and correspondence of the poet and the artists, in addition to books, paintings and graphic work.

Reyes presented yesterday in Madrid the conclusion of the digitization project, a commitment acquired with the family when they bought for three million euros the legacy.

The Institute of Studies Giennenses custody since August 2012, the whole of the legacy, the fruit of the agreement signed between the Provincial council and the heirs.


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