Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kirk Douglas turns 100 years become a legend of Hollywood – The Nation Costa Rica

last Updated December 08, 2016 at 12:00 am

The famous actor and father of Michael Douglas held this Friday its centenary, sure that the love and purpose in the Earth to keep him alive

Their graying hair are almost a souvenir , a memory, a tangible great times that were left behind. It is not for less: Kirk Douglas is now the last link in the live of a generation that transformed Hollywood.

This Friday cannot go unnoticed. The famous interpreter, who walked away the big screen for the language problems that he inherited from a stroke, will be held tomorrow a centenary of life.

Convinced that you have a mission on the face of the Earth, Douglas has been practicing with a speech therapist to deliver a small speech at the party hosted by his son Michael and daughter-in-law Catherine Zeta-Jones .

"Always ask me for advice on how to live a long and healthy life. I don’t have any, but I think that we have a purpose here. I was saved from a helicopter crash and a stroke to do more good in the world before I go," said the actor in an essay he recently wrote for the magazine Closer Weekly.

Douglas , the son of Russian immigrants who are illiterate and of jewish origin, has not been a stand as an idle witness of the history.

In 1959 as a producer of Spartacus (at the same time, one of his performances more memorable), closed gaps to include in the credits the name of Dalton Trumbo, a screenwriter banned for your affiliation as communist. This was the beginning of the end of the blacklisting of Hollywood.

He himself had been the victim of the divisions in the industry. To Douglas he inserted it in Hollywood, his partner of university Lauren Bacall, but despite, or great talent in front of the cameras, he had to change the name that came into the world: Issur Danielovitch Demsky. The actor had to make their way in an era marked by anti-semitism.

His debut in Hollywood came in 1945, with The strange love of Martha Ivers . As he himself has outlined on several occasions, crossed the country by train from New York studying a wrong paper. Douglas believed his character was Van Heflin when, in reality, had been selected for the role of the husband of Barbara Stanwyck.

So, he came to interpret some of the roles more emblematic of the golden age of Hollywood, such as the painter Vincent van Gogh in Lust for Life , until the legend of cowboys Doc Holliday.

Champion (1949) earned him his first of three Oscar nominations for best actor, a prize which, however, never won and who came to the family through his son Michael, with his role in Wall Street (1987).

The path Kirk Douglas was finally recognized by the Academy with an Oscar honorary, given in 1996.

The new yorker has worked in more than 80 films but, unlike the new generations, never accepted a role in a sequel.

"Each character that I’ve played has something of me. I reserve the right to choose roles that will allow me to interpret something that excites me," he said to journalists some time in Berlin.

The statement is especially striking if one recalls he himself describes his characters as "sons of bitches."

you May not have much to refutarle. "Living with my husband is like sitting in a nice garden at the side of a volcano that can erupt at any time", says his wife, Anne Buydens, 97-year-old, whom the actor attributes the key to his longevity. Without a doubt, the love does wonders, even a braggart like Kirk Douglas.

Journalist of the Sunday Magazine

a Journalist in the Sunday Magazine of The Nation. She is a graduate of Sciences of Collective Communication with emphasis in Journalism from the UCR.


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