Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jorge Cremades: “There are more violations to men than to women” – RPP News

Jorge Cremades is a Spanish comedy that was made popular on Facebook, Vine, Youtube and Instagram for short videos that parody situations of partner, of friends and of the daily life. The discussion on one of these videos, during an interview with The Spanish, led to a phrase that have earned her harsh criticism in the media of your country and on the social networks: “There are more rapes of men than women”.

During the conversation, the journalist Lorena Maldonado spoke with Cremades about the limits of comedy, if you ever had censored himself and if he had issues that I wasn’t joking. When the interviewer told him that there was a video of his that had offended, in which a group of friends try to take advantage of a woman intoxicated, the comedian defended himself thus:

“Cremades: I Understand that you see it as well and of course you would say “there is separate”, but I’m not referring to the rape of this girl. If I make a video in which I go out with a friend and say “we’re going to emborracharla that I want to roll with her”, talk of rape. If a girl does it: “Girls, we’re going to emborracharle that I want to roll with it”, it would be fun.

The Spanish: of Course, because there is no rape of women toward men.

Cremades: Already… but yes there is a rape in men, and this topic is not covered.

There are statistics that say that there are actually more rapes of men than women, and that it is not spoken. In prisons there are so many violations of man to man, and rape of women to men in other topics, not physical. Is that uncle, is a topic that I prefer not to touch, because I don’t know what to tell you. I understand that you have offended the video, but it also happens to me with my group of friends who say, “we’re going to emborracharle”, and it’s a joke.”


Posted by JorgesCremades on Thursday, January 29, 2015

Criticisms and corrections. The reactions were not long in coming. Verne, a section of the journal The Nation, put together a note with figures that belie what has been declared by Cremades and demonstrate that violations against women are widely higher than those of women.”According to the Statistical Yearbook for 2015 of the Ministry of Internal affairs, that year there were 82 male victims of sexual assault with penetration in front of 827 female, that is to say, 10 times less. If account is taken of all attacks categorized as “crimes against freedom and sexual assaults” there was 6.823 victims, women compared to 1.286″, he explains. Other media such as Huffington Post, showed the same figures while in the social networks called it and even compared it with Donald Trump.

But the consequences are not only in the social networks, have also undermined their events. The city Council Have, where you are going to submit with a show of monologues, canceled the presentation after the scandal. “This city Council has acquired a responsibility and a commitment towards Equality and can’t afford this kind of mistakes,” he said to the Cadena Ser Patricia Macia, councillor of Culture of Elche. Carlos Gonzalez, mayor of the city, wrote on Twitter this message: “Committed to equality, we will not tolerate attitudes that are not clear with the sentence, and the battle of the machismo“. comment, unfortunate, and inaccurate, you could truncate the career of a phenomenon of social networks that seemed unstoppable.

Statistics of violations by gender in Spain (Source: Verne/Country)


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