Saturday, December 3, 2016

‘GH 17′ has died and Jorge Javier re-roll – Blasting News

it Seemed clear that the expelled would be Alain, but after lengthen unnecessarily and we do not know if so interested to favour one or other the time of nominations, which were already very tight, the end result was that Adara finally abandoned the house of Guadalix.

Automatically the social networks were set in motion, and were in the majority those who felt settled office the reality and claimed to stop seeing him which we can see in 'The Debate' Sunday. let’s Remember that last week sank miserably.

Adara came to set, and is melted in a long embrace with Barbara who had already seen turning the lights of Christmas. Behaved in his interview in a courteous manner, we would not expect less.

The images of the 'tonteo' between Pol and Miguel brought a fresh disappointment, and he could not avoid saying: 'I tremble all over the body. I feel vacilada, have laughed at me the two'. Pol asked for forgiveness but when Adara saw the video presentation of Michael could stand no more: 'Is a bad person with all the letters. I am a victim of Miguel'.

Jorge Javier not lost gravel by telling Barbara and Adara that they were the winners but that his character had made them losers. Him always giving one of lime and another of sand, is in its nature the media and I suppose also in the staff. You forget what you saw that Barbara left the house by the illness of his father unfortunately passed away and not being evicted by the audience.

The funny thing comes now. It turns out that apparently no one fell in the account that Jorge Javier had audio during the publi while talking with former contestants, and was heard clearly to say: 'I can’t be more heavy Meritxell, hosts! It is a coals, go pain in the neck Or not?'. And a few pearls more, leaving the contestant to the feet of the horses.

what’s My perception? Well, I think that there was any error and if a ploy either to show their closeness to and involvement with a reality that he has resisted and will continue to raining criticisms, or to create empathy in the social networks with Meritxell face to that end that began yesterday your account back, or and this is the most plausible, to the opposite face to facilitate that is Bea covered of Telecinco those who rise up with the briefcase. Sure that you dear readers you already have clear your option.

I don’t know if this will be my last chronicle of a ‘Big brother’ who has died and we wait a few days presented, except that they mount a new script, that everything can be, frankly, boring and nothing to comment about. What we will see on the fly. #Astrology #zodiac #Horoscope


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