Thursday, December 15, 2016

Diego Luna surprise fans of ‘Rogue One’ – The Universal

fans of Star Wars invaded theaters in Mexico City to see the premiere of Rogue One. Even though the spirit was less at other times, they came from before midnight to take photos with the advertising and although few users locker rooms special are encouraged to view the history in which it participates Diego Luna.

at The exit, near the 02:35 in the morning of Thursday, some of them shared their impressions after the waiting time to see the tape, which came out of the cinema satisfied, at least from the opinion of Alberto Rodriguez.

“I grew up with all those characters and to the fans, the film gives us little details that made us happy.”

Hector Portillo agree, especially with a view to his fellow countryman Diego Luna in one of the most important sagas of the history.

“The most important thing was to see a latino in a role so important, I think that is not so common especially in this type of movies and as things are in the world is very much a multicultural team and diverse, and that is face to the empire”.

With a t-shirt worn by much use, a proud use mentioned, Alberto Rodríguez also highlighted the fact that Diego appeared with a very good role.

“We have friends a joke that says ‘latino space’ and is something very important. You are breaking many roles and it is the best time to view it. Already being a film critic sometimes not I really liked the accent, but the story itself is very good. With the political burden that has always had Star Wars was a very good delivery”.

At Cinepolis University saw some masks of the immortal characters and swords, but not in most of the more than 2 thousand people (according to the number of managers in lockers, with masks for the occasion) that a comparison of the past left behind the costumes to enter in the midnight to 13 rooms designed for the Rogue One.

Who decided to personify the characters were Alonso (20 years) and Atziri (23), who is thrilled with aspects from the music, until a mexican is part of the saga.

he didn’t mind to spend years back to 20 thousand pesos to buy a full suit with helmet of Darth Vader, she instead, in the morning it was decided and spent about 500 thousand pesos to give life to Darth Maul using even pupilentes and pintándose the face of red.

From five years Alonso is a fan of movies in addition to fun gave it a model to aspire to. “In addition to fantasize I was giving a concept of right and wrong and deepen my relationship with my parents, because my father was difficult. It is a very simple idea. George Lucas says that it is a soap opera but that is in space. Today the movie is done how it is done for Star Wars, in production, special effects”, he argued.

Excitedly stated their desire to know from months before, about the story, but preferred to see it on the screen before you be filled of spoilers. Furthermore, they supported the mexican talent and applauded that Diego Luna was part of the deal.

“personally I’m studying performance (Blue House) is a very big step because it is a kind of aspiration that I have: he came to Star Wars and a mexican can go from being a housewife, because now the mexican in the american cinema does not pass there, or a drug dealer.

“You are in Star Wars and be a spy and not a character simple, banal, or a stereotype of a mexican is something that I love. It’s pretty cool,” said the girl.

Omar Torres (32 years old) acknowledged that the movie you liked and you filled all your expectations. “What I liked is the dark tone that you gave, that is not tempted by the heart passes to leave someone alive and sometimes that is lacking in the productions of Disney.

“Diego met, so I heard that you said was one of their dreams participating in one of these movies. What makes it good, though nothing extraordinary. He is the father to see a mexican in something of that caliber, there was another in Episode II, though he acted very little, but Diego in a role coprotagónico I think I did it right.”


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