Thursday, December 8, 2016

Big Brother 17: This will be the winner of GH17, according to the data of the votes of Telecinco! – Blasting News

Each time there is less to know the name of the next winner of Big Brother and the wonder that the followers of GH 17 are doing the length and breadth of the social networks are not going anything desencaminadas. the Miguel, Bea, Rodrigo, Alain and Meritxell will play the Final.

As always we like to do here before expulsion, and / or give the name of the winner of this edition of the reality the dean of the Spanish television, we’re going to put the focus on the data of the percentages of the blind showing you in the program and extrapolarlos to the percentages of the official website of Telecinco, given as an equation, what will be the Thursday in the next gala.

According to these data, the first of the finalists of #GH17 out of Guadalix de la Sierra would be Miguel, with a four percent in these moments of total votes cast in this poll and that, of the finalists, it would have been revealed as the least liked by the audience.

Behind him, the next to abandon the idea of getting the briefcase with the ultimate prize, and therefore remain on the outside also of the final three who will have the last hours in the house to those who really choose to win the prize will be Alain, who with a feeble five per cent nor home option any of winning.

In the same way it handles the third and last man in this final, that is to say, Rodrigo, who, with a six per cent, is also condemned to be out of the fight in the ‘fight of cats’ around the world barrunta for the final between Bea and Meritxell.

however, between these two, the thing would be gone by evening in relation to what we saw last Tuesday in the Debate, leaving, yes, about five thousand votes over to Bea about Meritxell, what you continue down this path of favoritism until the last second of the votes would leave us to Naranjita as the winner of #GH17 taking home the € 100,000 and taking over of Sofia as the new queen of Big Brother. However, we must emphasize, there is still time to alter these percentages. #Ghdirecto


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