Friday, December 9, 2016

100 years of Kirk Douglas – The Universal

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In Hollywood, few things are forever, the success and the fame do not last a lifetime (this year it showed with Johnny Depp to be the actor less and less profitable, 2016), romantic relationships are rarely stable (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) and at times many of their stars go off intempestivamente (Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and a long etcetera).

The friends and contemporaries of Douglas as Laurence Olivier, Anthony Quinn and Lauren Bacall are gone, for this reason, a figure as Kirk Douglas meets today 100 years of life is something worthy to celebrate.

The actor, pillar indisputable of the golden age of Hollywood, has managed to challenge the very industry that helped to build and your life that has been full of achievements both professional and personal.

a Few times it has been linked with scandals, unless these are caused by the mischief-loving of his son Michael, or the legal problems of her grandson, Cameron; what is certain is that the life and work of a character as a native of New York city is worthy of the last great living legends that still has the Mecca of Cinema.

In October of this year, the most famous of its sons, Michael described what his father represents to the u.s. entertainment industry in a tribute performed at the gala anniversary 95 of the organization Motion Picture & Television Fund.

"My father is an icon. He is a legend. Is a true star from an era where movie stars were viewed as the current version of the royals, and Kirk has earned that status," he said.

throughout his career, Kirk has gained an Oscar honorary, in 1996 and to be nominated for a Golden Globe on three occasions, with a filmography of over 90 feature films in more than 70 years of artistic career.

Among the iconic films in which Douglas has been able to build its image are Thirst for life (where she played the painter Vincent Van Gogh), Champion and Spartacus (directed by Stanley Kubrick), tape that in spite of being censored in his time, he managed to give the status of myth.

The actor, born December 9, 1916, has been removed from the cameras since 2008, a time that has past with his beloved wife, Anne Buydens, with whom he is married since 1954.

At that time, Douglas has dedicated himself full-time to philanthropy. A few months ago confessed to Variety that after her death I would donate all his fortune —valued at $ 80 million— to charitable institutions.

Douglas knows better than anyone what it is to grow old in an industry based on image and beauty, where being young is probably one of the greatest attributes of the actor. That is why since a couple of years ago has been dedicated to safeguarding the old age of those who gave their lives to the entertainment industry and who suffer from a physical evil.

This year donated $ 15 million to Harry’s Haven, a center dedicated to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease located on the outskirts of Los Angeles (California) and that takes care of patients who, in the past, worked in the industry.

The long-told Closer Weekly know the formula for success, much less to be happy; he said, the only thing that you look for your age is to enjoy your family and friends.

"Always ask me for a tip for a long and healthy life, but I don’t have any. I think, that, yes, there is a reason why we are here.

"After the helicopter crash and the stroke that I suffered, I decided to do more good in the world before leaving it," he said.

And is that not everything in the life of the actor has been success and happiness, almost two decades ago was close to death on two occasions: the first in 1991 when two men died and three more (including her) went out injured after crashing the helicopter in which he was travelling with a small plane.

Five years later, Kirk suffered a stroke that took away her ability to speak, although with therapy and years of recovery he managed to exit avante.

Other tragedies that have accompanied the histrión these recent years have been the death of his son Eric in 2004 by an overdose or the admission to prison of his grandson Cameron for possession of heroin and methamphetamine.

Shindig of the century. Last week, the actor confessed that he would celebrate his birthday in the company of his wife, children and grandchildren, and a select group of 200 friends in a dinner hosted by Michael and his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones, in which the only thing that will do will be to enjoy the company of those who throughout their 100 years of life have accompanied him.

"My only job is to find me good and rested to appear there and be charming. I will give a small speech 'improvised' I have practiced with my therapist speech so people understand me", he joked to Closer Weekly.


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