Thursday, October 8, 2015

What does receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature? – El Colombiano

At this time it is likely that you already know who won the award of 2015 (scheduled for 6:00 am Colombia), that that according to forecasts leading the Belarusian Svetlana Alexievich , Japan’s Haruki Murakami and US Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth.

For betting sounded hard Alexijevich, his first choice would reward Nobel journalistic reportage, a genre that could have been recognized in 2007 through the Polish Ryszard Kapuscinski, it not been for his death in that year. This is an award that for years also waited for Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortazar, for example.

Part of the discussion unleashing an award like this it focuses on whether the choice of winner takes country or under what criteria. In this regard, the Swedish Academy insists that no literature or countries, but authors are rewarded. However, a latent concern among many is what does it mean to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature?

For the writer and journalist Juan Jose Garcia Posada, won the Nobel is to enter a dimension of posterity, “the immortals of literature. Even if they want the same winners, it is to change your rhythm and your lifestyle. Also it goes into decline. It’s like having to start over. Most of those who receive it and not come out again or half good work. As writers have said Vargas Llosa, who earn their fear was that suddenly entered the alienation that produces award “.

Among the favorites of Garcia Posada are also Milan Kundera and Amos Oz , “but it beats me what wins Belarus. If it wins, it does not bother me because I know its beautiful and solid reporting: Voices of Chernobyl, where victims speak. Also optioned Haruki Murakami , very westernized it. “

Meanwhile, for the writer Dario Ruiz, This is an award for a work whose relevance had not recognized “the importance of the awards to writers unknown languages ​​untranslated or small countries or cultures.” For Ruiz, Murakami would not have been in his deck, considering a writer invented by advertising.

Joyce Carol Oates is referred to as an immense novelist, with a number of works teachers.

“We have removed the Nobel prize for years because each novel it is a masterpiece. It has created a unique universe of the middle class and American society, is a masterpiece in every way. ” However, despite highlighting the work of Oates, Darío Ruiz, John Banville the Irish novelist, would be selected due to its “exquisite prose”.


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