Tuesday, October 6, 2015

U2: Bono show in Spain dedicated to his mother and refugees – RPP News

The strength of the band’s latest album U2 and his greatest hits, a stunning visual montage and the ability to connect Bono, captivated the public who witnessed today, fully delivered, the U2 concert at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona , the first Spain’s current tour.

four Dublin masterfully alternated emotional moments, to claim the rock and entertainment, over two hours, in the first concert of the four that offer the Irish in Barcelona, ​​the only Spanish scale world tour that began last May in Canada.

The concert began shortly before with “The Miracle” “Electric Co.”, “Vertigo” and “I Will Follow” , a discharge of pure rock with the Irish public got in your pocket.

After this combination of songs composed in the distant eighties with songs fresh from the oven, it was time trip to the innocence of speaking the title of his latest album “Songs of Innocence”.

On the screens appeared images of Bono’s mother when he sang “Iris” , a song that bears his name, and the streets where born U2 frontman showed up with the first chords of “Cedarwood Road”. An effect that multiplied the emotion of the moment. “The world went cold and dark when my mother died. I became a musician to thank you for everything you gave me. I dedicate this song to all the mothers,” he said.

The end of innocence rushed quickly, with a number of issues related to the conflict in Ireland, beginning with “Sunday Bloody Sunday”.

At this point emerged for the first time the group related causes, which reappeared in the second half of the concert, with references to the refugee crisis, wars and immigrants died in the Mediterranean.

A word hopeful of Bonus about Europe’s ability to solve the

problem of refugees and science to cure AIDS allowed to finish the concert with the audience singing “One” and a smile on his mouth. EFE


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