Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The National Gallery in London presents 60 portraits of Spanish artist. – Euronews

The National Gallery in London presents 60 portraits of Spanish artist

In this sample, call. ‘Goya: Portraits’ include works since he started painting for the court, in early 1770 .

Around 1790 the artist suffers an illness that left him deaf and thereafter use the pictures as a way to communicate without fear to paint what you see.

Xavier Bray , curator of the exhibition said:
“What’s amazing is to see that these pictures tell a lot about himself. From what he knew, he loved, hated, admired what he sees as … reflects your life. We could even say that we seem to be talking to those people, who we know like from a psychological point of view. “

One of the most important portraits of the exhibition is made in 1797 to the Duchess Alba.

The Duke of Alba died in 1796, a year before to paint the portrait. After his death she retired from public life and went to a house that was on the outskirts of Cadiz.
Goya eight months go there, spreading the rumor that there was a romance between them.

Xavier Bray, curator of the exhibition, said: “The Duchess of Alba was one of his muses, was obsessed with her. She was beautiful, rich and art lover. To some extent he hired him as court painter of his mini. He made many paintings of her, made her many drawings. The fact that she has the finger pointed at the floor, where it appears: ‘Goya only’ means that only Goya could paint it. ”

Goya lived more than eighty years. He was born before Mozart and survived Napoleon.

‘Goya portraits’ can be seen in the National Gallery in London until January 10

More info:.

http: // www / goya-portraits


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