Sunday, October 4, 2015

Posada leave your shoulders in alternative accompanied by Morante and Talavante – Terra Colombia

The trio formed by Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante and Posada de Maravillas, which took the alternative, offered a great afternoon bull today and opened the front door on the first run of the fair of Zafra (Badajoz, southwestern Spain).

FILE FESTEJO.- Six bulls from the ranch of Zalzuendo acceptable presentation and game, but not too hard.

Posada de Maravillas: jab and thrust, an ear; and jab and thrust, two ears.

Morante de la Puebla: lunge, an ear; and jab and thrust, two ears.

Alejandro Talavante: jab and thrust, an ear; and jab and thrust, two ears.

The audience practically filled the square.



The Extremadura Posada de Maravillas was greeted with a standing ovation that made partaker of his teammates from a list, before hosting “Velaluna” a black bull burraco which showed excessive force.

At 1715 hours the treatment received at the hands of killing Morante in the presence of Talavante. He gave his uncle Antonio and his brother James, the two bullfighters, dressed in navy blue and gold.

he fumbled for under the animal and made a smooth task, relieving the few forces of the state, but offset by the good kind of animal. He finished with the sword after a puncture and toricantano was awarded the first ear of the afternoon.

Morante received the second of the tables next to bluff later applauded by the audience. Then, “Zaragatero” shook the bullfighter without apparent consequences, but with broken satchel and visible signs of discomfort.

The bull, which had a dull hurt in danger and flags, forcing him to fight in short with the approval of the public. It does not provide any thread and weaves an Orthodox tables and expensive flavored, stewed bullfighter right into silence only broken by the applause of a devoted public task.

The Sevillian topped with colorful natural and a thrust that is enough to make one ear.

“Bum” the fourth afternoon, recortadito pythons, with which he was called Augustus. He licked the muletazos an obedient bull in the composition of a long and tasty steamed task pasodoble “Nerva”. He raised people from their seats and walked two ears of his opponent.

Escasito of forces was the first of Extremadura Talavante, which only received a soft rod, at the request of the bullfighter, who offered the job. The good are in the attack highlights the work of the matador, who thrilled the audience with his quiet and improvisations often with his left hand.

and click slowly emerging before a thrust that is enough to reward him with one ear and two roosters who throws his friend and amateur Ricardo de la Gala.

Pretty presence was fifth, with which Talavante showed his exquisite taste spearing as input to a task initiated with statuary, stitched with hand embroidery left and right highlight that the public taste and thanks .

closed space with Posada in Wonderland “Wink”, in which sports the flight of his cloak and muletazos good-looking, wrapped by applause and olés tier and managing to put the finishing touches on a great afternoon of bullfighting.


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