Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Inaugurated first sample of the painter Francisco de Goya in London – Al Momento News

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 Artist 2 LONDON, Oct. 6 ( Al Momento News ) .- The National Gallery in London on Wednesday opened the first exhibition of Spanish painter Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), “Goya portraits” which has received good reviews from critics and open to the public October 7 to 10 January 2016.

The National Gallery noted “Born before Mozart and Casanova and Napoleon survivor, Goya’s life spanned over 80 years which witnessed a series of events that changed the course of European history. “

Nearly 150 portraits of the artist have survived to this day, of which sixty are on display in Trafalgar Square, receiving more than six million visitors a year.

The exhibition curator Xavier Bray, said that “Goya was a court painter of King Charles IV, favorite artist of the Spanish aristocracy, who combined his painting with the most personal art of “the disasters of war” or “black paintings” series. “You never had an exhibition with portraits only because it is a bit risky, can bore people. But it was good to take the risk, because you know Goya through their peers and also see it grow pictorially “.

From the sample the most outstanding works are self-portraits which confirmed its evolution with age and the portrait of the Duchess of Alba, 1797, hanging from the walls of the Hispanic Society of America in New York, and has left only once this institution.

Also be exposed portrait of Don Valentine Bellvís Moncada and Pizarro and the Countess-Duchess of Benavente.

Meanwhile the Prado Museum in Madrid will contribute ten rendered paintings from private collections and museums in Sao Paulo, New York, Mexico or Stockholm.

The critic for the newspaper The Times gave the shows five stars out of five and the Daily Telegraph said it was “one of the exhibitions of the decade”.

“Goya had the enviable ability to make a bit creepy people or seem terribly smart or stupid, as with his portrait of Fernando VII of huge jaw, “said the critic of Telegraph .



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