Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Goya, star in London – La Nacion (Argentina)

The National Gallery of the British capital hosts the aristocracy 60 portraits painted by the Aragonese master, where “extraordinary eyes through extraordinary people” are found, as stated in its catalog

Portrait of Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (1798), the National Museum of Prado.Foto: AFP

The National Gallery in London opens tomorrow the first major exhibition ever made portraits of Spanish painter Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), a sample that has received great critical acclaim British. “Born before Mozart and Casanova, and survivor Napoleon, Goya’s life was spread over more than 80 years that witnessed a series of events that changed the course of European history,” he stressed the museum . Aragonese artist portraits occupy a third of its production, and about 150 have survived to this day. Sixty of them are shown in the Museum Trafalgar Square, one of the busiest in the world, with six million visitors a year. Large

Goya was official court painter King Carlos IV and one of the favorite artists of the Spanish aristocracy, combining this work with the most personal art of “the disasters of war” or “black paintings” series. “Never had he made a solo exhibition with portraits because it is a bit risky, you can bore people. But it was good to take the risk, because you know Goya through their peers and also see it grow pictorially,” he said exhibition curator Xavier Bray. The commissioner gave the example of both ends of his career enormous energy and brightness of The Family of the Infante Don Luis de Borbon (1783-1784) with almost eerie self-portrait of the artist dying in the hands of Dr. Arrieta (1820)

Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga.Foto. AFP

“I hope it’s a great success. Goya is eccentric as a painter, sometimes hands are not quite right, sometimes the body is a bit curious, and the English are very critical of this kind of imperfections. But the important thing is that when they come to think that is the best portraitist. Velázquez and Goya are both in the top, but Manet, Picasso and Lucien Freud are the type of art of Goya, “said the commissioner.

Among the works on display include self-portraits which confirmed its evolution with age, and the portrait of the Duchess of Alba, 1797, hanging from the walls of the Hispanic Society of America in New York, which has lent this American institution only once. This portrait of the duchess dressed in black’d just lost her husband contains one of the great mysteries of the painter’s work, the inscription “Goya always” at the foot of the model. In his biography of the artist, Robert Hughes saw it as a declaration of love from the artist to the duchess, from which it was rumored that he was her lover, but Xavier Bray is a statement of pictorial fidelity.

The Duchess of Alba (1797) .Photo: AFP

“It means rather I just can paint Goya . will have a platonic relationship, there is a fascination of Goya for this woman who was extraordinarily beautiful and at the same time an eccentric, he was obsessed with her, “he told AFP. Other gems are the portrait of Don Valentine Bellvís Moncada and Pizarro and the Countess-Duchess of Benavente, who had never been exposed to the public.

The Prado of Madrid contributed ten paintings to the exhibition , which loans from private collectors and museums of St. Paul, New York, Mexico or Stockholm add

Exposure. “Goya: Portraits” will be open until January 10, 2016


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