Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Alexijevich, Murakami and US classics, favorites for the Nobel Prize for Literature –

The Belarusian Svetlana Alexievich , Japan’s Haruki Murakami and American classics as Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth dominate the Nobel Literature previous forecasts, which reveal the winner Swedish Academy Thursday.

Alexijevich sounds strongly in betting and in Stockholm and has been endorsed, among others, Maria Schottenius, former head of Culture Dagens Nyheter , leading Swedish newspaper, and had already beforehand successful winners in 2008 and 2009, including veiled accusations of receiving inside information.

Your hypothetical choice mean rewarding first Nobel once the newspaper report, a genre that could have already been recognized in 2007 in the figure of Polish Ryszard Kapuscinski, if he had not died just this year, Swedish media speculate.

Behind appear Alexijevich Murakami, A worldwide sales success not as appreciated by critics and permanent favorite in previous pools in recent years; Kenya’s Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Norwegian Jon Fosse, South Korean Ko Un, the Somali Nuruddin Farah, Canadian Anne Carson and Romanian Mircea Cartarescu.

Oates, Roth and Don DeLillo are Americans more sound for some time and that could benefit from the fact that letters in this country are not awarded since 1993 with Toni Morrison, although the Swedish Academy always insists that does not reward or literature or countries but the authors.

The Irishman John Banville , Egyptian Nawal El Saadawi, the Hungarian Peter Nadas, the Austrian Peter Handke, Algerian Assia Djebar, Canadian Margaret Atwood and Albanian Ismail Kadare are other names in the endless prior to the award, 198 candidates who aspire pools in 2015.

Elections in recent years have alternated between favorites forecasts (the Mo Yan Chinese or Canadian Alice Munro), some surprises (the Austrian Elfriede Jelinek and German Herthe Müller) and classics that seemed forgotten, as the British Harold Pinter and Doris Lessing and the Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa .

The author of “ The Green House ” and “Puppies”, awarded in 2010, has so far been the last writer in Castilian recognized by the Swedish Academy, two decades after they were consecutively the Spanish Camilo Jose Cela and the Mexican Octavio Paz (1989 and 1990 respectively).

The Argentinean Cesar Aira is the representative of the letters Hispanic who appears better placed in the forecasts, ahead of Spaniards Javier Marias, Juan Goytisolo, Eduardo Mendoza, Enrique Vila-Matas and Juan Marse.

Among the supposed candidates to succeed the Frenchman Patrick Modiano, winner in 2014 “for his art of memory”, the Czech Milan Kundera, Portuguese Antonio Lobo Antunes, Israeli Amos Oz, Dutch Cees Nooteboom and Italian Umberto also mentioned the Irish William Trevor, Eco and Claudio Magris.

The list of aspiring poets has decreased appreciably since the Swedish Thomas Tranströmer won in 2011, but still appear classical and the Syrian Adonis and Polish Adam Zagajewski.


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