Sunday, June 28, 2015

Transferred to the port of Almeria a boat with 21 people on … – EntornoInteligente

Transferred to the port of Almeria a boat with 21 people on board, including a baby / Information .com / ALMERIA, 28 (EUROPA PRESS)

Salvage has moved in the early hours of Sunday at the port of Almeria to a boat in which they traveled 21 people of sub-Saharan origin, including a.

baby According to Europa Press sources of Salvage, the vessel was located at around 20.25 hours on Saturday about 20 miles east of the island of Alboran, and has arrived at the port of Almeria approximately 1.00 hours of the morning on Sunday.

On behalf of Marine Rescue have acted in this operation the guardamar ‘Polyhymnia’ and aircraft ‘Sasemar 101′ according to the same sources they have pointed out that specified that those on board the vessel were 16 men, four women and a baby, and all of them have come in apparent good health.


Information Information .com

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