When young attended the function ‘intensely’, the images were projected on the big screen were those of ‘Night of the Demon 3′.
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film Danbarry Cinema Ohio, United States, confused the screening of the film ‘Glowing’ (Inside Out) with ‘Night of the Demon 3′ (Insidious 3) .
According to the newspaper Journal-News , parents who attended the function assured that in the opening scenes were images of bound and murdered children , by so they decided to get as quickly as possible to their children in the room.
But This situation is contradictory , since after the publication of the news Facebook a user who claimed to have been at the scene, said not actually violent scenes were shown and the children remained quiet.
At the same comment stated that were the parents who started shouting . “As he witnessed, I also have to say that children were calm, until a couple of parents started yelling, scaring anyone who was in the room,” he said.
The film itself asked attendees and apologies for inconvenience caused, the manager also gave them to each of the spectators free tickets to see the film you need in 3D.
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