Thursday, June 25, 2015

Taylor Swift spread authorizes album “1989″ into Apple Music – The Universal (Venezuela)


Thursday June 25, 2015 24:55

Taylor Swift authorize online Apple Music convey their album 1989 , the only streaming service that has allowed spread.

In a message via Twitter, the singer said after Apple decided to pay royalties to artists during the free trial online music service of Apple, “I decided to put Apple Music 1989 … and with pleasure ”.

The representative of the singer confirmed tweets .

Swift wrote a critical message Tumblr Sunday on Apple’s initial decision not to pay artists for the free trial, which starts on Tuesday. Later, Apple changed his mind.

Swift has withdrawn this album other streaming services. In Twitter wrote “ This is just the first time I feel desire to convey an album by streaming ”.

He added that “ in If you were wondering whether this is an exclusive agreement with Apple as with other artists, it is not ”.


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