Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Expert warns that black humor value regardless … – EntornoInteligente

Expert warns that black humor value regardless of the context is “simplify” / Information .com / GRANADA, 16 (EUROPA PRESS)

The researcher Hugo Carretero, from the Department of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences at the University of Granada (UGR) and one of Spain’s leading experts to study humor from a scientific point of view, considered that black humor value regardless of the context or the recipient is a “simplification” of its consequences and its own function.

According to Carter, controversies such as the municipal councilor in Madrid Guillermo Zapata, who has resigned from the department of Culture for a few jokes posted on Twitter about the Holocaust or victims of terrorism, “show once again that humor reflects what kind of historical moment we are “.

” In a society where the key is the self, personal wellness and pleasurable emotions, is seen as an unforgivable attack any threat to this welfare. Humor should be to have fun and not to think: should be light and inconsequential. If makes us wonder if the content is appropriate or inappropriate, is that not worth it “believes the researcher.

In his opinion, the answer to the demeaning humor, as sexist or racist jokes, and the response to black humor, depends on receiver characteristics and context, and that the listener sits or not identified with the group referred to, are women, immigrants or political.

researcher points out that “the key to any kind of humor is where the joke is told, in what context, to what audience and the characteristics of the person who hears the joke.”

The work of this researcher UGR has recently led to a publication in the journal ‘Humor’, in collaboration with Professor Thomas Ford of the Western Carolina University (USA), and which also involved the professor of the University of Granada Monica Romero.

As explained Carter, the oldest existing theory about humor is that of the “superiority-denigration, which already emphasizes that the key of humor is always denigrate another / others”. In this sense, “ridicule or humiliation are basic ingredients of much of the humor.”

The researcher stresses that the black humor “has been tried to control throughout history. Moreover, the distinction between “appropriate” and “inappropriate” humor has been present also over time. “

” Not surprisingly, it has never achieved control that ‘inappropriate humor and if anything defines humor is precisely its lack of boundaries, and that’s where black humor arises “stated.


” Anthropology shows that the content of the jokes and the object of jokes usually associated with the major issues of each company, the dominant interests, attitudes and values ​​relating to identities, but also the tragedies as a way of breaking rules, being the fact itself count Bad joke that a claim that we have the right to question what they tell us is untouchable, “he pointed Carter.

” The humor, over any concrete content, is the ingenuity with apparently opposing ideas are put together to awaken and provoke the response of humor. The surprise is the key of humor, and nothing is more surprising and unexpected that make humor with tragedy or drama in a creative and ingenious way, “he told the expert of the UGR in a statement.

In this way, Carter claims that can be “funny” the black humor, because the way it presents the joke “is creative and original, but at the same time rejecting wake content on which versa.” The humor, as stated, “primarily it involves a breach of the rules, and the more fixed are these rules, more alert mood to try to break appears.”

“Research has shown us that who ever has funny and told a racist joke is not racist, and who has fun or tells a story of black humor is not a terrorist or a murderer, “he stated.


The UGR researcher points out that the oldest known joke on record dates back to 248 AD and belongs to a series of manuscripts called Philogelos (‘Lover of Laughter’), by an anonymous author.

“In them a total of 265 jokes are collected, where the common element among all is that the main focus was to ridicule or humiliate. And it’s denigration has always been present, in one form or another, in the mood throughout history, “stressed Hugo Carretero.

” Throughout history, there has traditionally been a place for humor and one for the serious. There were places where you could make jokes and enjoy the humor and others where its use was even penalized or rejected. At present, although the mood dominates everything, dominates a benign or innocuous way, “concluded the researcher ..


Information Information .com


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