This Saturday, The Walt Disney Family Museum reported that the artist Tyrus Wong died in the united States to be 106 years of age through Twitter:
while Wong worked at the Walt Disney studios for only three years —between 1938 and 1941— this was time enough to leave its mark.
In its press release, the museum says that "his influence in the artistic composition of the picture of 'Bambi' can not be overlooked".
As detailed in The Country:
"While working at Walt Disney studios, and drew a great amount of sketches of the mouse, Mickey Mouse, Wong learned that he had begun the pre-production phase of the feature-length cartoon Bambi, which tells the story of a deer from birth to adulthood. Then, Wong went home and drew several sketches of a deer in a forest, the lines that give life to the character of Bambi".
The sketches impressed Walt Disney, who relied on them to produce the visual style of 'Bambi' because "there necessarily appeared to the forest, but it felt like the forest".
Here are some examples:
The career of Wong did not end in Disney. Time after went on to work for Warner Bros., where he worked in the creation of many films (such as 'Rebel without a cause' or 'Group ‘ Wild').
Tyrus Wong retired in 1968, devoting the rest of his life to creating kites flying over the Santa Monica pier, California.
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The Police found videos showing two alleged jihadists with weapons alongside images of the famous plaza of madrid’s Puerta del Sol, place where thousands of people will celebrate the new year amid enhanced security.
The videos were reportedly found among the personal effects of Edrissa Ceesay Sanuwo and Sami Sennouni Mouh, two men of Spanish nationality arrested Wednesday on charges of “glorifying terrorism” and “weapons depot of war,” said a car of the National Audience.
Both were on Friday detained without bail, said the text of the National court, specializing in cases of terrorism.
“After a progressive radicalization of court jihadist, and after getting a person an AK-47 (…) made several videos carrying the same, as well as a machete in the military, with attributes of Daesh” (the acronym in Arabic of the Islamic State), according to the car.
The videos, which contained “chanting islamic phrases and cut-jihadist” were disseminated in social networks such as Instagram, YouTube or Facebook, he added.
On some images, you can see the hooded men “in front of the Door of the Sun”, he pointed to a fountain court to the AFP, which is one of the first times you see a particular site in Spain in a video of this type.
During the operation of his capture, the police records and discovered a memory card with the videos, as well as five chargers of AK-47 assault rifle and 37 cartridges caliber 7.62 mm, hidden in a parcel in the southeast of Madrid.
The suspects wanted to purchase rifles, handguns and grenades in the black market, “without the effect showing that the acquire,” said the car.
anyway, the source court warned that “there is a lot of distance” between the fact of finding the videos and that men were ready for an attack at the Gate of the Sun, noting that to date has not found any other particular element of preparation.
- Without fear -
This information is referred to when you finalize the preparations for the feast of new year’s Eve in the Puerta del Sol, where will meet in the evening of Saturday, some 25,000 people to receive the new year eating grapes to the sound of the twelve chimes.
will Be guarded by some 800 police officers and firefighters, according to the city Hall of Madrid.
The authorities placed also heavy obstacles (trucks, police, planters, fences, cement or iron) to avoid attacks with trucks.
the minister of The Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido, will personally supervise the security measures, visiting on the afternoon of Saturday, the General Directorate of the Police in Madrid, reported its press service.
“I Think that we can trust in our security forces and bodies,” he said in a press conference the president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, who like other authorities, has sent messages of tranquility.
“there’s No need to be afraid and to take advantage of and enjoy these festivities”, said the mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena.
in Addition, Madrid will prohibit the 3rd to the 5th of January the circulation of heavy trucks in the areas that traverse the traditional parades of Kings, which bring together thousands of people, as a preventive measure after the attacks in Nice and Berlin, said a source from the Mayor’s office.
“it is Not that there is a real threat that could happen, is done to prevent,” noted the source of the Mayor’s office to the AFP.
From 2015, around 177 suspected jihadists have been arrested in the Spanish territory, as the forces of law and order.
The greater part of them are prosecuted for acts of propaganda or recruitment on behalf of the Islamic State or “autoadoctrinamiento”, figure criminal that exists in the country from 2015.
Spain has remained relatively safe from the phenomenon of foreign fighters, united with jihadi groups in comparison with other european countries.
authorities estimate that only about 200 spaniards travelled abroad to fight in the ranks jihadists, a figure far lower than the thousands of fighters from France and Belgium.
12:30 p. m.
Emen.- Gustavo Dudamel, at 35 years old will become the director of the Vienna Philharmonic younger when this commanding the new year concert.
Dudamel was chosen to direct this presentation is devoted to the waltzes, polkas and marches of the Strauss father and son, which is the concert of classical music most widespread in the world and broadcast in 93 countries.
In a press conference, after listening to the famous "blue Danube" of Johann Strauss son, the young and charismatic director of orchestra of venezuela said that she felt that "you can achieve paradise in peace."
Andreas Grobbauer, president of the Orchestra of vienna and the first violin, said that "you still hear in your ear the cry" of happiness Dudamel when he called to ask if I wanted to direct this protest was organized in the hall of the Musikverein.
The orchestra and the principal will be known, they have given 46 concerts together. In addition to "The march of Radetzky" by Johann Strauss father, the Philharmonic, he composed a program of fifteen pieces.
The musicians of the Philharmonic premiered garments of the creators Vivienne Westwood and her husband, austrian-born Andreas Kronthaler. Among the famous predecessors of Gustavo Dudamel include Herbert von Karajan, Daniel Barenboim, Zubin Mehta, Lorin Maazel and Mariss Jansons.
Gustavo Dudamel embodies and defends the model of the venezuelan "System", where it originated, founded in 1975 and has 230 conservatory of music near half a million of young people of scarce resources.
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The verdict on the sister and the brother-in-law of the king, accused of corruption, will be revealed in march
MADRID.- Covered in his discretion habitual, Felipe VI lives a year-end anxiety. From one moment to another will come to light by the judgment of the case Nóos, the pattern of corruption that has undermined the prestige of the Spanish Crown and who is among the accused to the sister of the king, the infanta Cristina de Borbón, and her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin.
But the outcome of this “calvary court”, as it once described the Royal House, delay until the unthinkable in the middle of a novel of intrigue, tensions between the judges who must fail and suspicions of political pressure to influence the decision.
The trial ended six months ago in the Provincial court of Palma de Mallorca. With the expired term to issue the verdict, the court has just requested an extension until march in an attempt to resolve the discrepancies between its three members, and also to avoid a divided ruling that could unleash disputes of international impact.
The dispute, according to information that leaked from the courts, arose from a first version of the sentence that it proposed to declare innocent, to Cristina and to impose a sentence of seven years in prison Urdangarin, for whom the prosecutor Pedro Horrach asked 19 and a half years by a cluster of eight serious crimes.
The text as drafted by the rapporteur of the case, Samantha Romero, who works with exclusive dedication to that since July. But at least one of the other two judges considered it “very favorable” to the family of the king, according to judicial sources.
Everything is back to zero. The desirability of a unanimous decision after a process stickleback, which took six years -and that influenced the abdication of king Juan Carlos I in 2014 – is something in it that match the government of Mariano Rajoy, the Royal House and the judicial authorities that must oversee the case.
Urdangarin is accused of having created a false charity -the Institute Nóos – through which he earned 6.2 million euros of public contracts that, in large measure, they ended up in his pocket. I blame, like his partner, Diego Torres, crimes of embezzlement, malfeasance, fraud, traffic of influence, tax evasion, embezzlement and money laundering.
the infanta the judge as an active participant required two tax crimes of her husband through a company called Aizoon that they shared at 50%.
winding Path
The road to sit on the bench was tortuous, marked by political efforts to exculparla and operations in appearance malicious of those who are bent on her prey.
Neither the prosecutor Horrach, nor the State attorney -principal plaintiff – filed charges against her. If it came to the trial was by the particular charge of a controversial union officials called Clean Hands, which asked for the sister of the king to eight years in prison.
In a full trial, the leaders of this organization fell prisoners as responsible for a series of extortion to businessmen and politicians, who allegedly asked for the money to change not to harass them with complaints in the Justice.
Michael Bernard -one of the leaders of Clean Hands – he wrote a letter this month in which it is declared a victim of “an operation designed by the sewers of the State” to “the infanta was not convicted”. He reiterated his version never proven that the own king Juan Carlos, the father of Cristina and Felipe VI, had sent an emissary who offered him 2 million euros in exchange for withdrawing from the trial.
The discredit of the plaintiffs was nevertheless a relief for Cristina. In your environment are increasingly sure to be exculpada. The data that leaked on the first version of the ruling argue that a fine would be all the sentence against her. Judicial sources indicate that at that point there would be no special discrepancy between the judges, as happens with regard to crimes of Urdangarin.
“She is convinced of her innocence and that they are going to acquit. Everything else are rumors. Now we have to wait,” says Pau Molins, one of the lawyers of the infanta. Denies in addition to the publication of the journal The World that he attributed to Cristina having said that I couldn’t wait to finish the whole process “for not having set foot in most of Spain”.
Stripped by his brother the title of duchess of Palma, isolated from the royal family, Cristina lives in Geneva with Urdangarin and their four children. Just let see for Barcelona, where they had the family mansion. In the last few weeks, leaked versions that you are planning to move to Lisbon, to reduce the expenses that it takes to live in Switzerland and be more close to Spain.
it Seems inevitable that you will have to re followed to your country to visit Urdangarin: even if you got a conviction soft, no one believes that he can avoid a stint in jail. She will not abandon them. Already resisted years of pressure. First his father and later his brother to divorciara and could ride away from the scandal.
The brother-in-law that hit the Borbon family
Iñaki Urdangarin
Brother-in-law of Philip VI
Iñaki Urdangarin, the brother-in-law of king Felipe VI, during his statement in the case Nóos. Photo: EFE / File
Former professional player of handball, in 1997 he married the infanta Cristina, and received the title of duke of Palma. He was manager of Telefónica and, since 2011, is being investigated for corruption
The employer Plácido Arango (Tampico, 1931) donated 29 paintings to the Spanish museum of Fine Arts of Asturias. The works of 28 Spanish artists from the XV to XX , you will know at the end of January, when the institution finalized the donation.
Arango, a businessman based in Spain and a recognized patron of art, presented the donation as a tribute to their parents, asturian emigrants to Mexico. The gift was announced on the 28th of December, during a meeting between Arango and Javier Fernández, president of the Principality of Asturias.
the director of The Fine Arts, Alfonso Palacio, described the donation as "remarkable" and "a historic gesture momentous in the life of the museum". He, with Arango, was in charge of choosing the pieces for about a year and a half of work.
The last formality pending a meeting of the Board of trustees of the institution to accept the gift. Until that time, the employer has justified his silence on the title of the works "by institutional respect". It is known that the pieces are ancient and contemporary, and that three of them are so large that it cannot fit in the main headquarters of the museum, the palace of Velarde. Regarding the price, the Palace pointed out that it is "incalculable" because it works "out of market".
the quality Of the collection Arango was recorded with his two donations prior to the Prado Museum: the transfer in 1991 of 80 prints from the first edition of the Whims goyescos, and in 2015 of 26 works of Zurbarán, Goya, Francisco de Herrera ” The Lad, Peter Campaign, Valdés Leal, Luis de Morales and Antonio del Castillo.
When, last year, gave the last gift to the Prado, already was brewing operation in asturias. Within a thematic exhibition on the representation of the Virgin of the Immaculate conception in the museo del prado in madrid is now exhibit, and until the 19th of February, five works donated by Arango (two of Zurbarán, one of Mateo Cerezo, a Valdes Leal and another of Herrera el Mozo) next to an Immaculate Zurbarán property museum since 1956. Taking advantage of the occasion, the Prado museum has edited a catalogue in which we work out in detail the 26 recent contributions of the mexican.
Arango said Tuesday at the press of asturias, the reasons for their donations: "In the case of the Prado it was because of my emotional attachment and personal to this great museum. And Asturias is the land of my origins, I wanted so to pay homage to my parents," he said in reference to his time as president of the Patronage of the Prado and the land of their progenitors, Jerónimo Arango Díaz and María Luisa Arias Fernandez.
Arango is known to be a patron that has nothing to do with public recognition. In the Meadow has declined that their donations be grouped in any room with its name; it is expected that in Oviedo’s works are also integrated in the collection overall. "He has not raised any demand in any way," confirmed a Palace on statements gathered by The Nation.
As happened in the Meadow, Arango, nor has it established any compensation, except the right to usufruct for lifetime. Among other charges related to the world of art and culture, Plácido Arango was member of the Patronato Museo del Prado between 1986 and 2007; since that year until 2012 he was president, and then patron of Honor. He served as president between 1987 and 2006, the Prince of Asturias Foundation.
The Fine Arts of Oviedo has a collection of 15 thousand books, although the institution dates back to only 1980. Preserves works of El Greco, Goya, Oteiza, Titian, Veronese, Ribera, and Zurbarán.
Conor Kennedy could be sentenced to a year in prison.
Conor Kennedy, who four years ago had a brief sentimental relationship with the singer Taylor Swift, was arrested.
The 22-year old man had an altercation with a man during a night out in Aspen, Colorado Thursday night.
“Around 1:40 a.m., officers of the department of police of Aspen is presented in (the club night) Bootsy Bellows after being informed that a person was refusing to leave the premises. While dealt with this situation, the agents were witnesses of a fight that took place outside the bar. The officers tried to separate the two men, who even were on the floor during the confrontation,” according to information from a press release from the local police.
According to authorities several witnesses, Conor -who is part of the dynasty of the Kennedy’s- “then four or five punches on the head of his opponent”, so you will have a summons to go to court for the next 22 February in which it will be determined if he is convicted of “disturbing public order”.
confirmation Of this fact, Conor could have a sentence of a year in jail and a fine of up to 2 thousand 600 dollars (around 52 thousand pesos).
The same sources claim that Conor later apologized to the agents, and justified their reaction by insults that, according to your version of what happened, the other aggressor had been addressed to one of his friends to start a verbal confrontation that ended in the fight.
This year, women are the greatest strength of the television networks to compete in the last night of the year.
What will Cristina Pedroche this year? Is the question that many are asking for a few minutes before the Chimes. And is the dress of the tv presenter has become in something more important than peel the grapes ahead of time.
The thing is that the strangeness of the dress Pedroche works. tell That to the audiences. The presenter got the Chimes more views of laSexta in 2015 and after he managed to record in Antenna 3 a year later. Now, priming how will your outfit to the next December 31, it expects to do the same for the second consecutive year.
And is that the Chimes have become something of women. While years ago it was Ramón García who was carrying the baton, now the women’s record is Anne Igartiburu. The presenter returns to The 1 accompanied by the judges masculine of Masterchef willing to go back to making its broadcast the most-watched of the year.
time, Anne has said that it will be a dress of Caprile, as usual in these last years. Do not want to reveal the color, but in the last few years has always come to the appointment with a red dress that dazzles the spectators.
In Telecinco, the one in charge of firing the year will be Lara Alvarez. The beauty of Mediaset Spain will catch the arm of Carlos Sobera to try to make the competition Cristina Pedroche. Maybe Lara give some surprises this Saturday and her dress is the one that occupies more pages in the media.
finally, in laSexta also give a woman height. Accompanied by Frank White, Irene Junquera has become one of the women revelation of the season. After his move to Zapeando, and his courtship with the olympic gold medalist Cristian Toro, the 2016 has been a big year for the presenter.
plus: 12 great moments of the year of the famous Blake Lively to Amaia Salamanca: moms, 2016
Gustavo Dudamel will fulfill a dream next Sunday, when you lift your baton to direct the New Year’s ConcertVienna Philharmonic, which will reach more than 50 million viewers from 93 countries.
“this Is a dream come true,” said Dudamel during a press conference in which he presented the program of the event which, as every January 1st, will be held in the Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein.
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35 years old, the venezuelan will become the director of orchestra younger than you have led this concert.
Considered an honor to be part of the list of great masters who have risen to the podium in vienna to lead this concert, as Herbert von Karajan, Claudio Abbado, Carlos Kleiber, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Seiji Ozawa or Daniel Barenboim, among others.
The program includes waltzes and polkas of the dynasty of the Strauss and some of his contemporaries. However, Dudamel has promised that you will make your contribution of Latin american passion as if it were “a pinch of salt” extra “a traditional recipe”.
The president of the orchestra announced that the musicians will be new outfits created by the british designer Vivienne Westwood and her husband, austrian Andreas Kronthaler.
The lead actress of the saga “The hunger games” and the movie “Passengers”, he explained in an interview with the Daily Telegraph that his reaction to unfriendly it is because, as he says, of fame.
“I Think that people, strangers, think that we are friends because I am famous and they feel that they know me. But I don’t know,” said the young actress of 26 years, winning an Oscar, about the link that is established between a Hollywood star and the common people.
Jennifer Lawrence is characterized by an attitude of open, honest, and without qualms talking about his life. Like when he told that before one of the ceremonies of the Oscars smoked marijuana, and that could be the reason of their most that commented falls. But now, the actress said that it will protect “your bubble” avoiding take photos with people you do not know.
“I have already started to be something maleducada and locking myself in myself because I have to protect my bubble. I think: ‘I have a job unlikely, don’t let that be your reality’. It is more important to me than the fact that someone thinks that I am maleducada”, referred to.
“So you made it clear with my body language that I don’t want to be talking to a stranger. And if you continue talking to me, I just go back maleducada. I don’t say anything, but I’m on plan mmmm, yes, no, ok, good bye,” added the actress.
What is striking is that Lawrence is one of the few actresses young people who do not have profile on Instagram. For her, it is not life ride taking 50 selfies a day. “I can’t live like this,” said the actress.
Jennifer ensures that you will not complain of your life, because that works “on what he really likes instead of sitting in an office”, according to The Country of Spain. The actress has become one of the main familiar faces in a claim to equal pay in Hollywood, and in his last film took on a few million more than the co-star male, Chris Pratt.
this is Not the first celebrity that complains about the price that fame makes them pay and take cards in the matter.
The lead actress of the saga “The hunger games” and the movie “Passengers”, he explained in an interview with the Daily Telegraph that his reaction to unfriendly it is because, as he says, of fame.
“I Think that people, strangers, think that we are friends because I am famous and they feel that they know me. But I don’t know,” said the young actress of 26 years, winning an Oscar, about the link that is established between a Hollywood star and the common people.
Jennifer Lawrence is characterized by an attitude of open, honest, and without qualms talking about his life. Like when he told that before one of the ceremonies of the Oscars smoked marijuana, and that could be the reason of their most that commented falls. But now, the actress said that it will protect “your bubble” avoiding take photos with people you do not know.
“I have already started to be something maleducada and locking myself in myself because I have to protect my bubble. I think: ‘I have a job unlikely, don’t let that be your reality’. It is more important to me than the fact that someone thinks that I am maleducada”, referred to.
“So you made it clear with my body language that I don’t want to be talking to a stranger. And if you continue talking to me, I just go back maleducada. I don’t say anything, but I’m on plan mmmm, yes, no, ok, good bye,” added the actress.
What is striking is that Lawrence is one of the few actresses young people who do not have profile on Instagram. For her, it is not life ride taking 50 selfies a day. “I can’t live like this,” said the actress.
Jennifer ensures that you will not complain of your life, because that works “on what he really likes instead of sitting in an office”, according to The Country of Spain. The actress has become one of the main familiar faces in a claim to equal pay in Hollywood, and in his last film took on a few million more than the co-star male, Chris Pratt.
this is Not the first celebrity that complains about the price that fame makes them pay and take cards in the matter.
Jennifer Lawrence gives us some of the keys of what will be the big premiere of the end of the year, 'Passengers'. A science fiction movie where the actress gives life to the Aurora, a passenger of a space ship that travels to a distant planet colonized by humans.
BLASTING NEWS. What aspect of your character you identify with?
JENNIFER LAWRENCE. What I like the most and identifies me with Aurora is its independence. I’ve never been in a situation of feeling trapped as my character in the film. It is hard to imagine that feeling of loneliness but I think that the momentum of Aurora rise is something we have in common.
BN. In 'Passenger' give life to an ambitious journalist in new york willing to leave everything to immerse yourself in a space adventure and get back to Earth to publish the experience in his great work, what would you do a journey, sacrificed on the real life for the film of your life?
JL. If I knew that I’m going to have the best experience of my life leave everything to immerse myself in a trip like this but never for a job.
BN. As a writer you’re in the movie, what book would you take to a colony in space?
JL. I would take a Harry Potter book although I have to admit that I’ve read all the books like three or four times I even know some of the spells (laughter).
BN. And if you should choose a music album, what would you take to the spaceship Avalon?
JL. ‘Lemonade’ from Beyoncé.
BN. For many you are the actress of the saga ('The hunger games' and 'X-men: first class'), what is your criterion when choosing a role?
JL. I’ve Never thought of what roles I will play in the future because I have never imagined anything of what has happened up to now. In fact, I consider it a waste of time to imagine what you are going to do so long-term. When I get a script I just think, as a spectator, I wonder if I would see the movie and if that is the case, I do. Of course that also influences which is headed by a director with the I want to work.
BN. Us how could you tell something about the movie interesting and fun?
JL. I can Only say that 'Passengers' has been the best screenplay I have read.
BN. What has been the most special moment of the movie?
JL. Perhaps the first time we shared a joke but especially the motivational speech that Chris Pratt gave us in the middle of the shoot when the entire team was working very hard and the mood we played a bad pass.
BN. On the challenge of having filmed with so few actors are human and with so much special effect, How you dealt with it?
JL. There is a little more pressure. The set of the shoot has been the largest in which I’ve worked before but it felt very intimate, there were less distraction and work more concentrated. What struck me the most were the holograms futuristic.
BN. What has been difficult to work with wires and harnesses to create the zero gravity of the film?
JL. Was more difficult for me than for Chris. I’m not as athletic as him. were very necessary for the double, and specialists that we replaced in the scenes. They were the ones who managed it all.
BN. After having put in the skin of this traveler of space, do you see yourself able to form part of the future crew that will travel to Mars? According to NASA, this trip could be done in February of 2030.
JL. I love the idea of space exploration but I’m not thrilled with the idea of traveling to Mars. I have been told that the weather there is very bad, that makes a lot of heat (laughter). Madrid, however, could itself be a site for us.
So, how well it indicates in the title of this note, Passenger (literal translation of the original title Passengers) is a love story, even when in the trailer and the advertising endeavored to make us believe that it was a science fiction movie with a premise very interesting: two passengers wake up from a hibernation state induced 90 years before you get to your new planet to Homestead II, it sounds good, doesn’t it? This trailer and the advertising telling us as love incarnate in the couple of Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt could against the problems and adversities that a spacecraft autonomous could present.
The story begins when Jim Preston (Pratt) wakes up to discover that it’s the only crew member of the spaceship Avalon that you are awake, this a failure in your cabin of hibernation that makes your dream ended 90 years earlier than planned, with no way of returning to its state of hibernation, Jim finds boredom in the monotony and despair in solitude.
Pratt, the loneliness of his character led him to concentrate on the purpose of his actions as he tells us in this interview.
At some point Preston ceases to be only when Aurora Lane (Lawrence) wakes up, they both offer meaning to the life of the other, at the end of the day are the only two people millions of miles, and each other. On the performances, are good to dry, it is not the best performance of any of the two but I think that more than anything is because they were not required. Pratt spends most of the movie alone and be grateful for your sparkle on-screen, a couple of jokes with an android named Arthur, played by Michael Sheen, give a spark inside of a bleak atmosphere. Lawrence does very well in the few scenes in which you can expose your skills histriónicos.
The Avalon (Passenger)
The fort more imposing in this movie are its special effects, well-designed and very impressive at the time to portray a ship monumental as what is the Avalon, , a ship with 5,000 passengers, with autonomy for a interstellar journey of 120 years. Whose design work is immediately apparent. Space, stars, galaxies, asteroids, and moments of zero gravity make Passengers a movie recommended for lovers of good visual effects.
Before concluding this note I’d like to ask two questions, what if they were alone in a space ship that very probably will die alone, would wake up to someone to make them company? How would that be the greatest act of love, or the greatest example of selfishness?
At the end of the day, Passengers is a good film to pass the time, palomera, that in my opinion is between being a movie with a plot extremely interesting and a love story that we’ve seen it a million times but this is in the version space (with dyes of Wall-E, net). For those who are on vacation, Passengers is already in the halls of our country, and whether it’s a vueltita to the cinema.
Cardiomyopathy takotsubo is the correct name for a bad heart that might well be explained as a “broken heart”
Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds died in the same week. Photo: Getty
Can you die of sadness?
That’s what many are wondering following the case of actress Debbie Reynolds , 84 years, who passed away this Wednesday, a day after the death of his daughter, is also actress Carrie Fisher .
What is certain is that cases like this are not uncommon. Similar stories of relatives who die within hours or days of difference do you think that this can be a pattern.
research published in 2014 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, found that, although it happened rarely, the number of people who suffered a heart attack or a stroke in the month after the death of a loved one was double that of a control group of people that I was not going through any grief.
In the group of mourners, 30.447 people, 50 of them suffered any of the conditions listed above, or 0.16%, Whereas in the group without duels, only 0.08%.
One of the authors of the study, dr. Sunil Shah, of the University of London, said to said to the BBC: “frequently use the term ‘broken heart’ to refer to the pain of losing a loved one. Our study shows that bereavement can have a direct effect on the health of the heart“..
Heart dazed
Some people talk about “syndrome of broken heart”, known more formally as stress cardiomyopathy or cardiomyopathy takotsubo.
“it Is a temporary condition in which the heart muscle weakens suddenly, or stuns. The left ventricle, one of the chambers of the heart, changes of form”, as explained on the British Heart Foundation.
x-Ray of a patient suffering from cardiomyopathy / SPL.
The scientific name, cardiomyopathy takotsubo comes from the japanese word used to refer to a type of trap with round bottom and narrow neck used to hunt octopus. The stress suddenly causes the heart’s left ventricle -which pumps blood – get in this way.
The abnormality may be caused by an emotional shock. “Close to three-quarters of people diagnosed with cardiomyopathy takotsubo have experienced emotional stress or significant physical before you get sick“, says the foundation. This stress could be due to a duel, but also to any other problem.
There are documented cases of people who suffer from the condition after his colleagues get scared with some joke, or suffer from the stress of speaking before a large group of people.
it Is speculated that the sudden release of hormones -in particular, adrenaline – causes the stunning of the heart muscle.
heart Attack
This situation is different to a heart attack, which is when the heart stops, because the blood flow is constricted, perhaps by clogged arteries.
“The majority of heart attacks occur due to blockages and blood clots forming in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart,” says an article on the broken heart syndrome published by the Johns Hopkins University.
Many people recover from the syndrome of broken heart and continues with his life. Photo: Shutterstock
The majority of patients who suffer from cardiomyopathy “have coronary artery disease quite normal and do not have blockages or severe blood clots,” says the center on its web site.
Many people simply recover. The stress goes away and the heart returns to its normal form.
But in other patients, such as the elderly or those with a heart condition, the change in the shape of the heart can lead to a fatal outcome.
did you Die of love?
there is Also evidence of an increased risk of death after the hospitalization of a member of a couple, according to a study published in 2006 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Other research published in 2011 suggests that the odds that the fellow survivor die increase for six months after the departure of his partner.
Specialists point out that a marriage in which the spouses mutually support one another acts as a shock absorber of the stress. Couples also monitor each other and encourage healthy behavior: remember to take your medications, for example, and check that you don’t drink too much.
Whatever the science behind “broken heart syndrome”, the results are mixed. on the one hand, there is the pain of the family that loses at the same time to two people who love each other. But also, relief that if you both were deeply in love, pass on to a “better life” together.
Cardiomyopathy takotsubo is the correct name of this evil heart, but “broken heart” explains it best.
Maybe it’s an epic space, but Passengers it was a very intimate setting. The majority of the day in the shoot, the cast consisted only in Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt and Michael Sheen, who created fast a good relationship.
“I have friends who I’ve known for 15 years and I don’t know them as well or they know me as well as we do, because we spend 16 hours a day together, every day,” he said smiling Lawrence.
The address is Morten Tyldum, who had a great reception for his previous tape: The enigma code.
In the film, Mendoza will be from Monday, in the trading rooms, Pratt and Lawrence are passengers on a journey of 120 years to a new planet. Travel in the chambers of hibernation, but wake up 90 years earlier than planned. Sheen, meanwhile, is a robot that is a friend of both while they see what to do.
–what All actors dream of making a movie about the outer space, wearing space suits and playing without gravity?
Jennifer Lawrence: –If you really do not have gravity would be amazing. The truth is that you are in a cable, hanging in your underwear with a space suit of 30 kilos, making it float your arms as if you do not feel weight. View the article’s great, but to do it…
Michael Sheen: –What You have liked most to do as in Apollo 13, got on that plane and leaving you to fall?
J. L.: –No.
Chris Pratt: –I would have loved…
M. S.: really?
C. P.: –it Would be amazing.
M. S.: –That scares me a lot.
C. P.: –I would have loved to, I would do it without thinking.
J. L.: –If ever I see you talking with one of our pilots…
M. S.: –”Let it fall, just turn off the engines.”
–do you Go on a journey of 120 years to colonize a planet attracts them?
J. L.: – To me yes, it is a great adventure. Definitely, it has the disadvantage that for when you get there all you know and you are dead. If you could bring some people… If I could carry Michael and Pratt, would be like “guys, let’s go on vacation, don’t ask anything, you are going to need a washing of columbus”. And then bring them into the chambers of hibernation and when they awoke they would say: “we’re 200 years in the future!”
M. S.: –it Would be interesting to see if here 200 years, someone is watching some of the movies in which we are the three.
J. L.: –of Course!
C. P.: –But it is crazy to think that for 200 or 300 years that people have had to make that decision. They came up on ships going to the West, a place that they knew they would return.
M. S.: –This idea of being a pioneer, I can see why it is so exciting for the people.
C. P.: –We have run out of things to explore physically on this planet. There are No islands that are left, there are no pieces of earth that have not been explored. There is a land serene for being discovered.
–In the film there is a great twist that will make the audience react…
J. L.: –That’s what’s amazing, we don’t want people to talk about a lot of this is because we want you to be surprised. It is a turn very controversial that we have not even advertised and it is what I liked the most of the script. All that see it will think different.
–do the refreshing to make a film with an original story?
M. S.: –it is increasingly rare to see a film of this scale to arrive completely fresh. It is not part of something you’ve seen before. It is not a rehash, it’s an original story, it is different to anything I’ve seen before. And it is also a huge science fiction movie, and there is the intimate story within it. I can understand why this movie could fail easily without these two people in it.
J. L.: –Thanks, Michael!
M. S.: –We are talking La La Land, right? (laughter).
Princess Leia and her distinctive hairstyle became the image that would recognize all over the world
The hair of two rolls from side to side characterized by the character princess Leia played by Carrie Fisher has become as iconic as the films themselves. What could have had its origin in the styles of the indigenous hopi (left) of Arizona, USA?. Photo: BBC World
they Are an icon of elegance.
When the fans of the War of the Galaxies began to flood social media with messages of grief following the death on Tuesday of actress Carrie Fisher, who played in the saga of the unforgettable character of Princess Leia, an image was repeated continuously: pictures of small girls smiling to the camera while you look stunning in your hair two perfect “cinnamon rolls”.
small used the same hairstyle popularized Fisher with the character who played 19 years of age.
Although the actress then did many more things in his career, Princess Leia, and his distinctive hairstyle came to become the image by which they should recognize in all over the world.
In 2014, Fisher told the magazine Time Out: “I am Leia and Leia is me. We are spliced because my life has been as a the of a cartoon, or superhero. At my age, it would be ridiculous if I had problems with that fact.”
But what of that hair style so particular, that only appeared in the first film, and that has inspired the imaginations of so many over the years? And, where did it came from?
Star Wars became one of the biggest franchises in the film industry. Photo: THE NATION / BBC World
according to Brandon Alinger, the author of The costume of Star Wars: The original trilogy, the rolls do not even appear in any of the concept drawings made for the character of Leia in preparation for the shoot.
In subsequent interviews, the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, said that he had explored to the women of the Mexican Revolution, or “soldaderas”, that joined the popular uprising at the beginning of the TWENTIETH century.
“I leaned towards a woman’s style revolutionary southwest to the Pancho Villa, which is precisely that. The rolls are basically from the beginning of the century in Mexico”, said Lucas at the Time magazine in 2002.
it makes sense to explore this group of women when it comes to creating a character very far from the traditional princess waiting for rescue.
The revolutionary mexican not had that hairstyle. Photo: THE NATION / BBC World
“George did not want a damsel in distress, did not want the princess stereotype. I wanted a fighter, I wanted someone independent,” explained Fisher to the BBC in 1977.
But there is a problem with the statement of Luke. Revolutionary women mexican are not known for their hairstyles or, at least, not this kind of hairstyles.
“as Well as I would like to say that the hairstyle of princess Leia was based on the ‘soldaderas’ of the Mexican Revolution, surely that was not the case,” she told the BBC Tabea Linhard, author of “The fearless women of the Mexican Revolution and the Spanish Civil War”.
“If you look at the photos of that time, you’ll see women with braids long, some with hats and, from time to time, cover their hair with a mantilla.
“the conditions in the field of battle were harsh and the work of the women included loading supplies, taking care of the needs of men, to serve as spies, or smugglers: some also participated in the battle.”
The double buns of the character of princess Leia, played by Carrie Fisher, have become as iconic as the movies. Photo: THE NATION / BBC World
“So that the hairdo of Leia was surely not a desirable option”.
however, the style seems to have roots in american history.
Kendra Van Cleave, Frock Flicks, a website that examines the accuracy of the costumes of historical films, told the BBC that, while this type of buns or rolls were the fashion in medieval Europe, the inspiration for “more obvious” is the style of “flower of zucchini” of the women of the hopi tribe, in Arizona.
he Pointed out that: “Consists of two arrangements side that aren’t buns really, they are more like the handles of hair.
“The hair has a stripe in the center, then wrap around a bow of wood in the shape of a U. The hair is wound along a figure of 8, tied at the half and stretched outwards to create two semi-circles.
The hairstyle was first worn by the unmarried women of hopi, Arizona. Photo: THE NATION / BBC World
“This hairstyle is spread much more widely in the early TWENTIETH century thanks to photography,” said Van Cleave, adding quegozó of a resurgence in the 1920s.
“of course, the 1920s were a time in which women of the western hemisphere were revolutionizing the traditional roles of gender. Women in the 20′s in the U.S. gained the right to vote and attended the university they were employed in numbers unprecedented.”
“Many of the women artistic and bohemian of the 1920′s adopted a fashion ‘ethnic’ as a way of manifesting their rejection of what is conventional and, therefore, as a statement of feminist,” noted Van Cleave.
But, of course, the style of the women of the hopi is earlier.
So, that probably was already used when Arizona was still part of Mexico, because the state only was annexed officially by the U.S. in 1848.
The impact of the death of her daughter, Carrie Fisher, seems to have been decisive in the death of his mother, Debbie Reynolds, a few hours later.
On Wednesday morning, legendary actress of “Singing in the rain” broke into tears at his home in Beverly Hills while preparing for the funeral of his daughter and confessed: “I miss her so much. I would like to be with Carrie”, he told the website TMZ her other son, Todd Fisher, who accompanied her at that time.
Fifteen minutes later, he suffered a stroke and was moved from emergency to the hospital, where she died hours later.
The stranger both. I would like to be with Carrie
Debbie Reynolds
Debbie, of 84 years, had a weak health and had already suffered a couple of heart attacks this year. The death of his daughter seems to have been too much.
on Tuesday, a few hours after it is given to know the death of Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds released an emotional text in your account from Facebook: “Thanks to all who have praised the qualities and talents of my dear and amazing daughter. I am very grateful for your concern and prayers, that now the guide to your new stage. With love, the mother of Carrie”.
“It was to be with Carrie. In fact, those were the last words that he spoke this morning. In particular, he told me that he was suffering a lot of stress. During the last few days he had managed to keep the composure of a way admirable, but he was obviously subjected to many stress and emotions. The loss of Carrie was the trigger for all of this,” she assured E! News Todd, a 58-year-old, who now feels deeply concerned about how it will affect the loss of her mother and grandmother to her niece, Billie Lourd, daughter of Carrie and her former spouse, Bryan Lourd.
In recent times, Debbie and Carrie maintained a relation very close, after years of estrangement. Not talked for 10 years, when Fisher was young and went through a tough stage of drug addiction. Then featured as the tormented to be the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher.
“Is 24 years old. He has lost to the two is simply horrible. It is true that he has inherited their genes, but even so, it is hard to imagine that you have to face all of this still so young, I am 59 years old and I don’t know how to do it.”
“Debbie is now with Carrie, and we all have the broken heart,” said Todd Fisher.
even Though your son has not wanted to provide more information about the circumstances surrounding the sudden death of his mother, according to the information to which it has had access to the portal TMZ Debbie had gone to her house to begin planning the details of the funeral of Carrie when she began to feel woozy and was taken to hospital.
Just hours earlier, the veteran actress had made an emotional statement thanking the tokens of affection that her family and she had received after the death of his eldest daughter, who suffered a cardiac arrest last Friday on board a flight from London to Los Angeles as a result of which he died four days later.
“Many thanks to all who appreciated the talent of my dear and wonderful daughter. I feel very grateful for your prayers and condolences now guide you to your next stop. With much affection, the mother of Carrie,” said through his page of Facebook.
After the inspection of the zone of disaster, the minister of Transport said that the accident was caused by "abnormal functioning" of the ship and that there was no explosion. However, the Ministry of Defence has not ruled out a terrorist attack
What will happen with episodes VIII and IX of the Star Wars saga and the actions of the production after the death of Carrie Fisher, the iconic princess Leia? Thousands of fans bolivians expressed their concern and shared possible answers to the question.
“it Is known that episode VIII is already finished film, are now in the process of editing for the effects. In the case of episode IX is different; in march 2017 and is planned to begin with filming, and I imagine that Carrie Fisher would also form part," said Dieter, Nina, current vice-president of Star Wars Fan Club Bolivia.
The production of Star Wars along with Disney “will have to find a way to stick to the changes. One option is to an appearance of digital, as it did in the Rogue One and the other alternative is a death complicated by way of tribute," explained Nina.
With a similar look, Paul Estrada, a fan of the saga and drummer of The Balls, said that “for episode IX, which has still not started rolling, you will have to change some things in the history" of the saga. “The character will have to die in some way, this maybe will affect the development of the original story that had the production," he said.
the president of The fan club official of Bolivia, Samuel Estrugo suggested the use of special effects to the appearance of Fisher: “She appears in the last scene of the Rogue One by using some of the effects of CGI (computer-generated Image, for its acronym in English) as princess Leia in the original 1977 version, it would be an alternative for episode IX," he said.
Tribute to the fans bolivianos
the members of The Star Wars Fan Club Bolivia organized different activities to commemorate the departure of the actress Carrie Fisher. One of the first was the collective change of the profile pictures of the Facebook member for the favorite picture of Carrie Fisher.
“Several already added to the tribute it represents to us something very important. In the entire world is giving this and still not seeing the magnitude," said Nina.
in Addition to the activity on social networks, the club prepares a special feature of Star Wars Rogue One, scheduled for this Saturday, December 31, at the cinema Monje Campero. On this occasion, the fans prepared a video recalling the career of actress Carrie Fisher and her contribution to the Star Wars saga.
“Is special because in addition to being the last function of the year 2016, all who are part of the club we will be dressed as characters from the saga. From this part of the world we want to make a small tribute to someone that marked a large part of our lives", he added.
According to Nina, there are many fans who are still not assimilated the news of the death of the actress who gave life to the legendary princess Leia. “This morning I had a call from a person who said to me: 'The death of Carrie Fisher has been a joke for The April fool’s Day isn’t it?'.
I replied that the news of his death came from official sources, and even his daughter. The people took it up to that point," he said.
Fisher, in the series
Home The actress participated for the first time in Episode IV: A New Hope, V: The Empire Strikes back and VI: Return of The Jedi.
Back and special guest appearances as producer, and Disney regained more than 30 years after the return of the saga in episode VII of the saga: The Awakening of the Force. In addition to participating in the filming of the episode VIII will be released next year, she was seen in the spin-off of Star Wars Rogue One.
The actress Tricia McCauley, who participated in the movie “Step Up” and disappeared in the Night Good, was found dead in his car in Washington D. C.
Tricia McCauley disappeared when I was on the way to celebrate Christmas at a friend’s house the night of December 24 and the concern for their relatives increased when there appeared at the airport Ronald Reagan to catch a flight on Monday, the 26th of December.
The body of Tricia McCauley was found early on Tuesday in the northwest of Washing5ton D. C.
"Tricia was. They found his body,” said Brian, as the brother of Tricia McCauley, on Facebook, where he thanked his friends for their support.
official Documents indicate that a man was accused of murdering McCauley, according to the Associated Press.
The police said in documents filed today in the Superior Court of Justice that Adrian Duane Johnson, of 27 years, told the agents that he met the actress on the day of Christmas or close to it, they had sex on a sidewalk and that she was discouraged. The individual stated that the actress hanged himself in his car, and that before he died, he said I could have his car and money.
The authorities said that McCauley was beaten and strangled to death.
Tricia McCauley, 46, is a yoga instructor and an actress, she has participated in numerous short films in the area of Washington D. C. and in “Step Up” movie in 2006 starring Channing Tatum.
Family and friends of the actress made Tuesday a vigil at a yoga center in order to pray for his speedy appearance.
In recent days, in addition to the death of Tricia McCauley, the entertainment world has been shocked by the deaths of Carrie Fisher, the actress who impersonated the princess Leia in the Star Wars saga, and the icon of pop music George Michael. Unlike McCauley, both died of natural causes.
actress Tricia McCauley, which formed part of the tape Step Up next to Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan, was found dead inside his car in Washington, after two days of being reported missing by his family.
McCauley was the protagonist of the movie A step forwardas a substitute of the protagonist. The actress was found with signs of violence, so that it works on the hypothesis of the murder.
According to TMZ, the police arrested a suspect for his death which was syndicated as the author of the robbery of a pharmacy. The publication says that the subject had attempted to steal his car when she was headed to a friend’s house to celebrate Christmas.
“She never came or responded to my calls or messages,” wrote the friend of the actress in your account of Facebook. The disappearance of the interpreter, led to the family lodged a missing person report after she did not arrive at the airport of Ronald Reagan, from where I would take a flight to visit other family members.
The brother of the actress, Brian, confirmed his death via social networks: “Tricia is gone. Thank you all for your work, support and love. Your entire family in DC, I know that she really saw it that way, thank you for being there over all these years”, he wrote.
Each time that you die a famous person and beloved, the Internet is filled with signs of mourning. It is normal for people to show their sorrow for the departure of someone like Carrie Fisher. Unfortunately, sometimes the pain makes you say things with very little tino.
cinnamon roll of Princess Leia (cover)
The chain of bakeries Cinnabon is specialized in the production of cinnamon rolls, but from there to use one of these cakes to draw the peculiar hairdo of Leia on a drawing made with cinnamon there is a big step. The tweet has aroused so much criticism that Cinnabon deleted it in less than an hour. [via Variety]
Allusions republican
No matter what your political orientation. To use the death of a person for advocacy of policy is not good. The tweet is still online.
Ramón espinar, secretary general of we Can in the community of Madrid had the same idea, with the same negative result.
music Promotion
The band american Smash Mouth has also brought its dose of criticism for stamping your logo on the image of the actress in the tweet of condolence.
Ask to 2016 not to have Betty White
Some took advantage of the death of Fisher to ask him to 2016 that you are not carrying anyone else. The actress Betty White, 94-year-old, became, by one day, the protagonist of numerous and picturesque sentences. Is ok, but not.
Retweeted the dog of Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher had a French bulldog named Gary. The dog has a Twitter account and published a message of condolence that has been retuiteado by thousands of people. Very tender, but the nuance is that the account is not for anything official or was created by the actress herself. It is just a account parody. On the other hand, I hate to have that be me that remember this, but the dogs did not write tweets.
The moral of all these tweets is the same. If you don’t like the character, don’t say anything simply out of respect. If you like, you can express your sadness about it, but to get too creative when writing condolences is usually counter-productive.
Bonus: The tweet of the controversial Santiago Segura
The film director, actor and producer Santiago Segura has also received a shower of criticism for posting the following tweet.
Some Twitter users expressed their discomfort with the photo chosen for Sure since you found sexist.
After receiving even a few insults on the part of the exalted turn, Santiago Segura decided to delete the tweet and replace it with one with a drawing of Princess Leia.
Part of the controversy is due to that many fans believe that Carrie Fisher hated that clothing for issues sexist. In reality, and as the actress herself stated on several occasions, what was wrong with the famous bikini of metal is that it was very uncomfortable to wear, but it passed when he was able to kill Jabba the Hutt with the garment put on the famous scene from Return of The Jedi. Fisher explained the evening to the Time magazine: "Yes, I liked the bikini of metal… I Hope to fit him yet!"
In this last case, the really sad thing is not the tweet of Santiago Segura, but that there are people able to be offended by this to the point of insulting to the actor.
Update: The program Save me
In the program Save me from Tele 5, the presenter Belén Rodríguez has come out dressed up as Princess Leia next to Belen Esteban.
No. It is not a joke by the December 28. Officially have that terrible taste.