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Agencies. Madrid. “Now when I look at the number of accidents and crises occurring during this time, I suspect awake to what extent I not myself provoked and aggravated some other unconsciously. And it seems as if he had been running -huyendo something or running away from me. “
It is what reflected in his daily Jaime Gil de Biedma, at 32, on Saturday 19 May, 1962. That was the life of one of the most important Spanish poets of the twentieth century, whose blast is growing. And so it is reflected in the unpublished diaries that brings the book. 1956-1985 (Lumen), edited by Andreu Jaume, which includes an introduction and a big set of notes. The new writings are: journal of Morals’. 1959-1965 (the period of creative brilliance), Journal of 1978 (his life after the death of Franco and finding his literary drought) and Diary of 1985 (his confrontation with the diagnosis of AIDS). Complete diarística utobiografía recorded in Portrait of the Artist in 1956 (final title and uncensored published in 1974 as the Journal of seriously ill artist). The 665-page volume hit bookstores on November 5.
These daily complete the personal, intimate, intellectual and creative self-portrait of this writer born in Barcelona in 1929 and died in that city in 1990, with an unforgettable childhood in Nava de la Asunción (Segovia), paradise of his memories and his poetry. “It is a literary and moral biography from his youth and the awakening of his vocation to the confrontation with death,” said James. In addition, there are lights on the tardofranquismo clairvoyance and Transition. It is Gil de Viedma search of great poetry, visionary of Spain, writing in the moments that left her job as executive in the General Tobacco Company of the Philippines.
Conquistador muses
This is the real world of Gil de Biedma, whose reading it magnifies and produced in gratitude and awe reader. Thanks for sharing the creative process, the gestation and evolution of the poem surrounded by the ghosts of his life. Especially in Journal 1959-1965, which is the creation of Morals, one of his greatest poems. In those pages seen, Andreu Jaume explains in the introduction, “the meticulous compositional system, such an extreme slowness is actually very little contemporary. As a result, every poem has several layers that are usually dissolved in the ease with which the reader presses the phrasing, leaving in memory as an embryo grows and secretes sense over time, as you get older. ” See also continues Jaume, which is a schematic of the Journal … Portrait, “where Gil de Biedma was not so concerned about the image that comes to offer himself as because he wants to find out, learn and write. It is somewhat more honest “point.
The findings tone, music or transparency is difficult to see. It is an opportunity to witness the miracle of artistic creation. The pursuit of beauty is born of uncertainty, grief, loss, wounds, search and recognition of the self, the discovery of the ghost within him and his struggle to accept and overcome them.
A person who was more ambition “to become a great poet.” And it succeeds with less than a hundred poems. And always write because in the 70s you stop. His honesty is reflected in 1978: “Nothing sadder than knowing you write, but you do not need to say anything special, nothing in particular, or to others or yourself”
Franco and Transition
These are the years of disappointment. Of all. Franco died three years earlier, democracy is gaining, but Gil de Viedma and many of his generation and arrive tired, parched, and has been so long, big and exciting the expected reality seems smaller. The ghosts of the dictatorship still pursue. The poet dreams and sentenced to death. Repeatedly. “For the club this time, along with two others who knew damned but I do not remember. Driving a truck: traveling with us the executioner and the chair, “writes Gil de Biedma
About his gaze from the dictatorship type, the March 4, 1965:.” The Franco is but one qye ideological chaos, bonded by fear, and chaired by a person of enormous political cunning and incredible intuition up to now- where to spend the force lines that allow it to remain in the exercise of power. “
And Gil de Viedma sighting the situation when he dies the dictator: “The brakes of the liberalization process, once Franco disappeared, are basically two: 1) the tendency of every stablishmentpolítico to perpetuate such. 2) Much more important: the memory of the civil war and the fear of classes currently in power, if that fear is able to prevent any attempt of rightist political rationalization of a state of things will they still, in many respects, resolutely favorable “
Then reflect on the attitude of the Spanish society.” Maybe it’s optimistic, but I think that second factor can be lessened dramatically if the twelve months following Franco’s death does not occur no pop-and surprised me very much that occurs. “
Eroticism and happiness
Check your sentimental, loving and sexual life is much lower compared with the intellectual. Realizes some crushes, their stable relationships as couples when the May 31, 1961 writes: “L. disease that has kept him in his house, completely he demoralized me, echándome in arms erotic obsessions and excessive drinking as usual. Quite worried about this last -the increased my daily consumption of alcohol from eight in the afternoon. “
The little presence of erotic or sexual passages seems to be explained when the March 23, 1965, Gil de Biedma reflects, after receiving a letter from a friend with a profusion of sexual adventures, “I remembered my journal Manila, nine years ago, they appear entered under the same notarial candor and with the same enthusiasm details very similar, and I’ve come to realize how age changes our attitude to erotic activities. At age 25 considered almost mandatory to say what one likes to do, call bread bread and wine wine; . Now I think what to tell what one likes, if we all like to do the same and with a word we understand “
Gil de Bienda wrote the furtive happiness; the passage of time, which is time and its creatures in the dark. Of loving orphan. These unprecedented changes to show their conception of one of its major themes. Jaume has always said: “Reflecting on the experience of love is constant, as in his poems. And the important thing is that there is a gay poet, as is Cernuda or Cavafy. Gil de Biedma loved human beings, not causes. “
He was a poet who had a great awareness of his ego, his poetry world, and the same I crushed and deepens the feeling of helplessness .
In 1978 Gil de Viedma confesses: “But my happiness is nothing in the background of love and who love me, added to the to meet with each other, unexpectedly rescued from the routine urban, with nothing to do but enjoy the intermediate “
The ups and downs of his mind and his duel with their ghosts and demons carry lox recognize that it is happy with Josep, but writes.” What I have now discovered, being happy, with a certainty that has become increasingly more aware, day after day, is there a part of me that no longer want to live long. “
A privilege to know further . Gil de Biedma this muses conqueror and tamer of demons
Source: El País
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