Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Penelope Cruz: “The physical is not everything in Hollywood” – La Prensa de Honduras

California, United States.

The Oscar-winning Penelope Cruz has been demonstrated after her two pregnancies, the actress has two sons, Leo (5) and Luna (2), with her husband Javier Bardem , which is able to regain its stylized silhouette as soon as it considered necessary, but that does not mean that the Madrid interpreter is willing to sacrifice their health and your lifestyle when conform to beauty standards prevailing in Tinseltown.

“at this point in my life, never put my health at risk because I am a mother and I have other responsibilities . in addition, the physique is not everything in the world of acting. it’s not about being fatter or thinner, the important thing is to act, “he said in an interview with Hello!

in fact, Hollywood star believes that the physical is merely a tool secondary with which provide greater realism to his characters, explaining that Penelope has never had qualms about giving up look radiant on the big screen if it is essential for the public feel more identified with their stories.

“I’m an actress, and that means that sometimes my physical and my face may be altered when the job requires it. I have it played a variety of characters, some of them have been more graceful than others, but I’ve never had a problem in leaving a little ugly in a movie if that’s what you really need the character to be more credible, “he said in the same conversation.

for the artist, beauty is very subjective and an issue that does not usually give any relevance.

“I could not tell if I’m beautiful or attractive . It is a very difficult question and the truth is that I never thought carefully about it, “he said.

what Penelope has always attached prime importance is his family, as evidenced by the tribute that the actress dedicated his father Eduardo Sunday the first anniversary of his sudden death.

“dad, you came by yesterday turned into a rainbow of light window. A year and without you, but you’re here. How I love you, Dad, “he wrote on his Instagram profile, a publication that was quickly shared by his brothers Eduardo and Monica.


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